digital speedometer and odometer numbers move up while idleing?


LVC Member
May 9, 2005
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The message center usually works normally except, even though the car has lots of gas, the "DTE" likes to start reading "0 miles to empty" and then the beeping starts. The reset stops the beeping, but only for awhile. This is an occasional problem which eventulally rights itself as driving continues only to happen again.

The BIG problem is the digital speedometer and the digital odometer numbers keep moving up at idle. The tenths on the odometer keeps moving and the
speedometer numbers keep going up and up and then randomly change to other two digit numbers out of sequence until acceleration starts again. The two seem to work normally once driving continues. This happens only at an idle or in park. With lots of red lights, a 10 mile trip will, according to the odometer, add maybe 30 miles or more depending on how much time is spent at idle.

Anybody know what to do?

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