Dirty pool


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Mar 25, 2004
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MITCH ALBOM: Republican or Democrat, it's just dirty pool

October 17, 2004


I just heard some news that hardly seems fair. President George W. Bush is going to get slammed in a new "documentary" that is little more than a propaganda film.

Apparently, this documentary takes a one-sided view of his National Guard service and his later years as a party boy. There are "interviews" -- if you can call them that -- with angry National Guardsmen who never saw him show up for duty. There are "interviews" with people who claim they drank and did cocaine with him.

The piece is so clearly one-sided, it doesn't even try to talk to anyone who doesn't have a beef with Bush.

And here's the worst part. This one-sided bashing of our president is going to run on network TV -- in prime time! -- in nearly 25 percent of the nation's households. It will pre-empt shows like "Joey" and "Lost" and "My Wife and Kids" and "ER." There won't even be any commercials!

Oh. And one more worst part. This ham-handed insult airs next week, before the election, in time to poison the voters' minds. On public airwaves!

Doesn't this make you furious, the way these liberals try to take down George W. Bush?

The power of television

Well, you should be furious. But I lied. There is no documentary about the president. The documentary is about Sen. John Kerry. And instead of National Guard service, it's about Vietnam. But the rest, sadly, is pretty accurate. More than 60 TV stations -- one in Flint, many in swing states such as Ohio -- will be forced to air this 42-minute, commercial-free piece of near-propaganda in prime time. No complaining. You just do it.

So why did I lie? Because your outrage shouldn't depend on your political party. When a huge company -- in this case Sinclair Broadcast Group -- gets to order its TV stations to air political diatribes in prime time, "conservative" or "liberal" is the least of our worries.

Let's get a few facts straight. Sinclair is a big company. It gives lots of money to politicians, almost exclusively Republicans. It ordered its stations not to run the "Nightline" program that listed the names of the dead American soldiers in Iraq. One of its top executives also doubles as a conservative commentator. It has a sad record of using its public broadcasting license -- yes, Americans, not conglomerates, still own the airwaves -- to regularly promote Republican causes.

Another fact. This documentary is not "news." That is the defense used by Sinclair and its supporters. But it is simply a lie. The narrator and producer of this film works in a homeland security service. He's on leave from his job. There are 17 men interviewed in this piece, all of one opinion. There is no balance. No fairness. No attempt at such.

Propaganda is propaganda

Now some people say, "This just balances out Dan Rather." Sorry, but Rather works for a news organization. Regardless of his point of view -- or that of Fox, ABC or NBC anchors -- news programs employ journalistic standards (that's why Rather apologized) and they air nightly, bringing you a wealth of information.

That is hardly the same as thrashing the prime-time lineup and ordering your stations to air a one-sided documentary, commercial free.

Imagine the end game of this. A huge company like Microsoft buys 100 TV stations. Then, during election time, it airs slanted critiques of any politician who dares to support legislation Microsoft doesn't like. You are told you're watching "news." In truth, it's closer to brainwashing.

Pretty soon, a bigger company than Microsoft buys 200 stations, and orders them to air "documentaries" with its point of view.

You see where this is going.

Folks, this is not about "Fahrenheit 9/11," which you had to pay to see in a movie theater. This is about free, network television and its abuse by a rich, brazen company.

It's funny. CBS was going to air a TV movie about the Reagans, and it was hounded off the air -- after critics insisted it was an unflattering portrait. Where are those critics now? After all, you can't be against propaganda and be for it, too.
That's right. However, BOTH parties will use such tactics,given the means to do so. This is exactly the reason myself and a growing number of Americans are moving to the "third" party alternatives. The American public is getting increasingly disgusted by feeling forced into one viewpoint or another."You're either with us or against us" has been taken way too literally by the current American society at large. People, when our President made this statement, He meant this country, not Liberals and Conservatives. What happened to what seemed to be a strong, non-partisan unity we had in the (days,weeks,months) after being slapped in the face from the terrorist attacks of September 11th,2001? I guess this unity subsided over time and the vicious struggle for political control in this election year of 2004? I get so sick and tired of hearing of ONE PARTY ONLY being right while the opposite party being of such great evil and if you (I) think otherwise, something is profoundly wrong with you. I will close with this question for you to ponder:What ever happened to voting for the person you think is best to accomplish the job? Thank You.
Gee, I seem to remember watching about $65 million worth of anti-Bush crapola on TV.

I also remember watching 60 Minutes do a hack job on Bush with FAKE DOCUMENTS.

I also just watched Nightline do a Anti-Swift Boat, Pro-Kerry report where they went to Vietnam to interview commies. But didn't bother to interview one United States Navy Swift Boat member. Humm, ABC would rather interview communists and take their word for it, over that of decorated US Military men.

I also watch PBS. Everything on this publicly funded network is Anti-Bush, Pro-Kerry. People that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Lastly, didn't Kerry have an un-interrrupted, commercial-free 2 day special back in 1970 before the whole country where he raped and pillaged all the members of our military? Now I guess it is their turn to rape Kerry after waiting patiently for 30 years.

Bend over Mr. Kerry, here come the Swift Vets



Kerry Lied
Millions Died
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I'm not saying I like what Sinclair is going to do, cause they're still not sure how they're going to air that "Stolen Honor" piece. Hopefully it'll be in some format that'll be fairer than the stuff that has been put out in the media about Bush. But like it or not, this was bound to happen sooner or later. There are consequences to biased reporting, and what is happening now in right-wing media organizations is a reaction to the decades of liberal-leaning news in general. Who opened pandora's box? I think a better question is, does it matter now? It almost makes you want to long for the days when the Republican candidate for president in 1960 declined to demand a recount and declined to demand for an investigation into that very close presidential election even though there was lots of evidence of voter fraud, election rigging, etc., in a few key states then by the Democrats. He declined because he feared doing so would create a Constitutional crisis in our beloved country and that the fight would be too costly and divisive. Can you believe that it was Richard Nixon that had the character to do the right thing, LOL?

But I whole-heartedly agree with the last line of that editorial and hope everyone else does, too, in whatever form propaganda may come in. That's why I hope that if Sinclair airs that piece, it'll be done right (unlike all the stuff against Bush). And if they don't do it right, put me down as someone who opposes it.
The Vietnam Vets deserve a right to speak. They have earned it. If the media would have done their job, Kerry would have been exposed in the primaries and we wouldn't have come to this point. But because they viewed him as the most electable, here we are.

And I absolutely disagree with the viewpoint of the truth being slanted as propaganda. I have seen the trailers of this documentary (and it is a true documentary, in documentary format as compared to the infomercial called Farenheit 9/11) and what these decorated military veterans discuss is the truth as to how John Kerry performed during and after Vietnam. The truth should never be considered propaganda. If Kerry had the balls, he would come on that show and face the accusers he has cowardly avoided for over 30 years.

What goes around, comes around, and Kerry is going to finally get his.

I salute Sinclair for having the courage to stand up and let these decorated Veterans and their brethren be counted. Tens of thousands of Vietnam Veterans will be able to go to their graves and rest in peace if John Kerry is defeated in one last final battle on November 2nd. I pray for these guys to prevail.
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MonsterMark said:
What goes around, comes around, and Kerry is going to finally get his.

I salute Sinclair for having the courage to stand up and let these decorated Veterans and their brethren be counted. Tens of thousands of Vietnam Veterans will be able to go to their graves and rest in peace if John Kerry is defeated in one last final battle on November 2nd. I pray for these guys to prevail.

There would not be all this mudslinging unless people like us listen to it and let it influence our beliefs. We have no one to thank besides ourselves!!

Remember the very beginning of the presidential campaign? Kerry was steering away from attacking bush. I never saw one mudslinging ad from the Dems until around the debates. It is obvious that it was not working and no one cared until he started trying to destroy bushs' credibility. Kerrys approval slowly slipped until he began attacking bush.

Face it society has turned politics into a political jerry springer show.
Pepsi2185 said:
Face it society has turned politics into a political jerry springer show.
I'm proud to say that I've never watched the Jerry Springer show. All I know is that they throw chairs. What's with the Pepsi, Pepsi, Pepsi bit?
barry2952 said:
I'm proud to say that I've never watched the Jerry Springer show. All I know is that they throw chairs. What's with the Pepsi, Pepsi, Pepsi bit?
LOL!! I feel like I've just been chastised, "you young whipper-snapper!" j/k The crowd always shouts "Jerry, Jerry ...." I used to watch it from time to time when I worked a swing shift. You're not missing anything worth watching, so you've made a wise decision, Barry.
Pepsi2185 said:
There would not be all this mudslinging unless people like us listen to it and let it influence our beliefs. We have no one to thank besides ourselves!!

Remember the very beginning of the presidential campaign? Kerry was steering away from attacking bush. I never saw one mudslinging ad from the Dems until around the debates. It is obvious that it was not working and no one cared until he started trying to destroy bushs' credibility. Kerrys approval slowly slipped until he began attacking bush.

Face it society has turned politics into a political jerry springer show.

:iconcur: :I I've said the same before...........
LOL!! Sorry for the rant guys. Im so tired of having the election thrown in face by a biased media, and i had a rough morning. I lost a 130 dollar check from my old insurance company.

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