Dedicated LVC Member
Because you'll be at the mercy of Obama and his band of liberal misfits.
They WILL listen to your conversations even if you don't subscribe. Don't pay your parking, off goes the ignition. Great and troubling read...Click the link to finish the whole story.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Government Now Has Control of General Motors' OnStar: Safey Device or Intrusive Big Brother Tool?
With Obama’s government acquisition of General Motors, they acquired control of OnStar. OnStar, a system that would allow the government to pry into your car to listen and monitor where you go and what you do, and you would never even know about it.
They WILL listen to your conversations even if you don't subscribe. Don't pay your parking, off goes the ignition. Great and troubling read...Click the link to finish the whole story.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Government Now Has Control of General Motors' OnStar: Safey Device or Intrusive Big Brother Tool?
With Obama’s government acquisition of General Motors, they acquired control of OnStar. OnStar, a system that would allow the government to pry into your car to listen and monitor where you go and what you do, and you would never even know about it.