Do Not Buy a GM car with OnStar...Why?


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 2, 2004
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United States
Because you'll be at the mercy of Obama and his band of liberal misfits.
They WILL listen to your conversations even if you don't subscribe. Don't pay your parking, off goes the ignition. Great and troubling read...Click the link to finish the whole story.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Government Now Has Control of General Motors' OnStar: Safey Device or Intrusive Big Brother Tool?

With Obama’s government acquisition of General Motors, they acquired control of OnStar. OnStar, a system that would allow the government to pry into your car to listen and monitor where you go and what you do, and you would never even know about it.

That ventures into the realm of the paranoid that is quickly dismissed by most people.

It's not that I don't think government would do that, I just don't think they would need to buy GM and OnStar to do it.

If someone is really concerned, they should deactivate their cellphones.

If the onboard computers are going to be controlled by government, it won't matter which company builds the product. And there's political pressure on the left demanding greater intrusion into our cars- monitoring our speed, our driving habits, where we drive, when we drive, ect. to make us pay taxes on our actual mileage, or insurance based on what we're doing.
Because you'll be at the mercy of Obama and his band of liberal misfits.
They WILL listen to your conversations even if you don't subscribe. Don't pay your parking, off goes the ignition. Great and troubling read...Click the link to finish the whole story.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Government Now Has Control of General Motors' OnStar: Safey Device or Intrusive Big Brother Tool?

With Obama’s government acquisition of General Motors, they acquired control of OnStar. OnStar, a system that would allow the government to pry into your car to listen and monitor where you go and what you do, and you would never even know about it.


And they listen to your phone calls, and track your internet usage, and monitor security cameras, and overlook your bank account records, and they make sure you aren't checking out the wrong library books, and they go to your local gun store and look at their receipts...

Be afraid - be very afraid...
And they listen to your phone calls, and track your internet usage, and monitor security cameras, and overlook your bank account records, and they make sure you aren't checking out the wrong library books, and they go to your local gun store and look at their receipts...

Yep, Demolition Man on the way. We're all gonna be eating tofu burgers at Taco Bell.
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2 + 2 = 5

That would explain how some in our government think we'll be able to manage the deficit we've acquired.
I might have sounded too dismissive in my first point.
Let me clarify.

First, I thought that OnStar was independent from GM, but I can't find anything to support that. That being the case, this changes the degree of responsibility to the consumer that this company would have.

OnStar has had the technology to do all of this for years, but because of FREE MARKET pressure, have protected the interest of their subscribers. Government does not have the same limits, nor does it respond to the same pressures.

It's only a matter of time before the other auto makers have similar features. They are under pressure to install GPS and monitoring systems already.

And most of our cellphones already provide that information.

Personally, this is another to just avoid buying a GM.
You can't buy a GM product without that Onstar system installed.
All of this another reason for me to refrain from buying a new car.
But, but, but....

Fox trusts the government not to abuse it's power.

The examples stated in the article about how the government might use this system to 'enforce' it's will upon the people is spot on.

Hell, they toss a boot on your tire now and that takes effort to do. What do you think they will do if your miss a payment and all they hve to do is click on an icon?

Get real folks. I've been trying to wake you up for years.

The government and the UAW (all of people) should not own GM. Period.
If they were in that poor of shape, let the market weed them out.
Your cell phone can give 'them' a lot more info than a car... even one equipped with OnStar - So cal, you don't use your cell phone any longer either?

The weirdest thing about OnStar... which is completely GM (general motors, government motors, whatever you want to call it) owned, backed, serviced, monitored... is that it can slow down your car. If involved in a police chase, the police call in the plates - then they hunt down the VIN, and then send out the signals to the OnStar system to slow the car down. So, MM - they already 'control' you, if had OnStar - which I am sure you don't.

And you know - there are a couple of companies that have just what you are talking about for people with poor credit who want to buy a car - they have an electronic device installed in the car that will not let you start it unless you are current with your payments...

If you get paranoid about the amount of info out there on you, and the way that this info is bantered about by various companies...and the government, you might want to move to somewhere where there isn't anything electronic, nor has any internet access, and you wouldn't use a cell phone. Really - it isn't that hard to track what people do with the electronic trail everyone leaves behind these days.

I 'had' OnStar in my new car... let's just say it really isn't operable any longer...

There are some cool things it does - like it will unlock your car if you call them, it will call emergency vehicles if the air bags are deployed, it will make 911 calls, but, the idea of a car at someone else's beck and call (anyone, private company or government) was a bit creepy.
I don't like how you're dismissive of things you find objectionable.

Enjoy your new sex life.

YouTube - Future Sex/Love Sounds

Foxpaws, in your enthusiasm to dismiss the point or belittle, you failed to note that I've mentioned the technology in most cell phones in both the 2nd and 8th posts in this thread. I'm not comfortable with all of that information being available through my cellphone. But they aren't owned by the government, or a subsidiary of a government corporation.

The used car example you provide is completely different. That's an example of two private parties making an agreement. In exchange for the having the product installed, the consumer gets a more credit extended to them or a more favorable interest rate .

But, ultimately, while you're implying that those who are suspicious of this OnStar application are paranoid or foolish, you conclude the post stating you agree with it, demonstrated by your disabling the device.

Another point, why might you be concerned about OnStar?
Well, who is the Manufacturing Czar?

YouTube - Manufacturing Czar Ron Bloom
In your enthusiasm to dismiss the point, you failed to note that I've mentioned the technology in most cell phones in both the 2nd and 8th posts in this thread.

And you seem willing to keep your cell phone, in spite of that, right?

I'm not comfortable with all of that information being available through my cellphone. But they aren't owned by the government.

They are regulated by the government - they have access to them if they label you 'terrorist' and heck, warrants - we don't need no stickin' warrants.

I am not dismissive - I am a realist... There are so many ways the government can get to you, OnStar is just a tiny drop in a much bigger bucket.
Pprivate parties make an agreement here... and by having that device added, the consumer is offered a lower interest rate or greater credit....

So, this has NOTHING to do with what we're talking about.

it has everything to do with what monster was talking about - he said that next 'they' could stop your car if you don't make a payment, well 'they' already can.

What? Are you some paranoid kook? I mean, have you looked at your cell phone.... or did you hear about those used cars with the disable device?

So, ultimately, while you're both implying that those who think this are paranoid or foolish, you then conclude the post in agreement.

So, what are you saying - I don't like it - yep, I don't. But I also realize, heck, if I want to post on LVC 'they' got me... If I want to text on my cell phone - 'they' got me... If I want to use my in-vehicle navigation system - 'they' got me...

Be real cal, this kooky paranoid is... I can't get around it, neither can you, unless you start to live like they did in 1910...

A century ago.

And MM - ewwwww - stallone - blick. But, you know, with the Patriot Act the government could go into sex stores and see what sex toys you have purchased recently - they have the right to pull the receipts - without telling you anything about it....

Maybe they could put an 'OnStar' type device and slow down that vibrator if they think you are going to fast... ;)
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And MM - ewwwww - stallone - blick. But, you know, with the Patriot Act the government could go into sex stores and see what sex toys you have purchased recently - they have the right to pull the receipts - without telling you anything about it....

Thankfully, God gifted me with all the sex toys I'll ever need.;)
Yep, Demolition Man on the way. We're all gonna be eating tofu burgers at Taco Bell.

What are these damned 3 seashells for?

*ding* you've been charged 5 credits for violation of the profanity law

holy crap

you've got to be fukking kidding me
lol just love righty extremists. If they cared so much about you...they would of been tracking you prior to checking through your car. It's a waste of resources to try and follow up through your car unless it's a matter of spying and espionage. But face it...our government is pretty half-@ssed and the president has been in office for 1 year and has gotten NOTHING done to which he promised...if NOTHING has been done in 1 year...try 4! lol

FYI the government also is trying to ease pressure off the issue to help get people to buy GM vehicles...their main concern is the "investment" they put our tax dollars in to keep it allive. If they truly wanted to spy on you they could spend less money (since there is already spy equipment around us (phone, traffic cameras, etc) because all they can easily get from a vehicle is GPS positioning if there is sat connection. But as we all can's easy to ditch your car and buy one off someone for cash and run from the law......

I just ROFL when I see these extremist threads in the politics's liie trying to watch FOX NEWS :p
I subscribed to OnStar when I bought a newer Cadillac. I use the phone and I can care less if the feds listen to my boring conversations. And if they want to track me going back and forth to work and going to various places to eat, then fine by me. I particularly like the GPS locating ability in case my car is stolen--not that a thief is necessarily interested in my Cadillac, but it's nice to have just in case.

Anyone who believes the feds are tracking and making notes of every OnStar equipped vehicle needs psychological help--It's way too paranoid.

By the way, the slowdown feature is only available on select 2009 and newer GM cars.
Anyone who believes the feds are tracking and making notes of every OnStar equipped vehicle needs psychological help--It's way too paranoid.
That's not what people believe. That's a straw man argument, in fact.

But there are scenarios where in the future 'certain' types of people who are 'of interest' to the government may be monitored. You know, 'terrorists' who carry copies of the Constitution in their pockets. Right wing extremists and such. The fact that the fed has that capability should concern people.
No offense but how often in your lives has the government come to your and help you in a prison cell for months on end? Enough already it was a public election and he won by a landslide.

I'll admit he is a little too far left but on the other hand we have the party who follows the bible for guidance and hates homosexuals like they aren't people.

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