Do the MKX & 2nd gen Mark VIIIs share the same tail lights?


Well-Known LVC Member
Oct 4, 2010
Reaction score
Franklin Park
Of course it's not the same housing unit, but I noticed they do look very similiar(except for the 2011 MKX) and was just wondering out of curiosity if perhaps the MKX uses the same type of 'neon beam' which is one of the distinguishable features about the 2nd gen Mark VIIIs that stands out so much(if the neon beam works that is).



Concept is somewhat similiar, wide bright & very attractive, but maybe the lighting is different, or something...
Would be nice if the ballast wasn't to expensive but what are the chances of that :confused:
The MKX has LED lights across the back of it. The backup lights are LED too, only the outer brake lights/turn signal is a regular style bulb.
Well that one cat, Glitch, I was just reading about doesn't seem to have a bad deal at all. I think I'm going to have to hit him up soon...

do it. I got one of his as a spare. Hopefully i won't have to use it for awhile.

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