Do You Hate Your Digital Dash?


LVC Member
Dec 3, 2006
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As I'm slowing bringing this diamond-in-the-rough back to life, I'm deciding that I really do not like the digital dash. I had the same thing in my old Chrysler Town & Country van and grew used to it, but after having cars with a conventional "needle" speedometer I much prefer that.
In my T&C, when the digital dash finally quit I was able to swap in a conventional instrument cluster from a Dodge Caravan. Are there any swap-ins available for the Continental? Has anyone tried?
if any i would guess ford taurus/mercury sable(ive seen the way the digi cluster is wired in and i don't believe its to happen without rewiring everything) , you'll probably need to switch out you're vehicle speed sensor and get a speedometer cable from wherever you get the gauges too.
I was looking on eBay last night and saw a '95 Taurus with a digital dash that looks to be the same form as our dash. It wasn't lit up, but it looks the same as the 94 Conti.
If nobody has tried, I might have to invest the $25 or so in a conventional cluster just to experiment.

Speed sensor part number is the same between 94-95 Taurus and 94 Conti (SC 37T or SC 37 depending on which manufacturer).
speed sensor will probably be the same, the analog clusters actually use electric speedo's. The EEC needs to know vehicle speed, thats why they did away with the speedo cable.

As far as putting an analog cluster in, you will loose the message center, and maybe some other functionality. it wont be easy, and will definatly require some research and a lot of rewiring of the dash harness to get it to work tho.
actually on that page the clusters look the same from behind(same plugs atleast)...Just would need a speedo cable then? I'm pretty sure in a taurus the sensor is both elel. and mech. both. its electric for the eec and mech for the speedo(kinda dumb), when i replaced my sensor, there were 2 choices, they were they same but the digi dash(the one i got) one had the speedo cable connection capped off.
I dont know for certain, but there is a good chance even the analog gauges are electric (no cable). I am almost 100% certain my 92 cougar (mechanical gauges) uses an electric speedo. I have had the cluster pulled to change out light bulbs, and I do NOT remember a cable on it, and I had the cluster laying in my lap, so I would have noticed disconnecting a cable I believe.

So, basically, dont jump to the conclusion that because the gauge is analog, that it is not electric.
also, earlier in that how to article, the guy talks about disconnecting the speedo cable under the hood.

here's the whole thing
step 9 is the one i'm referring to.

Also, from Autozone (search 94 Taurus Analog Gauges, VSS, under related items)

PIONEER Speedometer Cable for a 1994 Ford Taurus
Unit Price: $8.99 Core Value*: $0.00 Part No.: CA-4001 Weight: 0.4 lbs. Warranty:

The only reason i could think of for them(ford) to do that is it was prolly cheaper at the time. A mech speedo prolly saved them something like $15 over an electric analog, but $15 x the number of taurus/sable 's sold...

I don't really want to do it, i like the digi(plus i don't want to get at the VSS again), but if it works that way...maybe someone with a taurus/sable could use our cluster.

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