Do You Think He Dodged The Question

Did he dodge it? Absolutely not. He was quite clear.

But at the same rate, he's not going to get bogged down in one of those ridiculous hypothetical applications that liberals like to set up, designed to generate a sound bite that can be distorted and taken out of context.

With that said, it'd be best if a moderator moved this thread to the appropriate forum before it upsets the non-political among us.
StincolnLincoln said:
i just figured its an anything goes sort of thing.

It doesn't offend me, but some people get all upset over anything remotely associated with politics or current events in the wrong thread. I don't have that sensitivity, but I've see the complaints when I've made done the same thing.

Not a big deal.

On topic, no I don't think he dodged the question. He answered it very clearly, and he avoided the Gregory set up. And, rest assured, David Gregory was setting him up, that was a "Gotcha" question.

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