Does it bother you Americans that...


Well-Known LVC Member
Mar 25, 2004
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......this thwarted terrorist attack was going to be carried out by nationals of another US ally? First 9/11 with the majority being Saudis, a US ally, and now the London bombings and this attempt by Pakistanis, a new US ally. With all the scrutiny being placed on "terrorist countries", does it bother you guys that the threats are coming from your allies? Certianly you guys have zero control over this..but is this worrisome to you in the least?
2nd and 3rd generation Pakistanis living in England. Bred and born in England. So what do you do?
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I don't know what you do...just was wondering if it bothers you guys is all..
Give it a little time, soon enough we'll be hearing about American born and raised citizens taking part too.
You already heard about the american who fought for the afghani's. What difference does it make if their from china, russia, iran, or the US for that matter? We're fighting an extremeist religon, not a country.
Kind of like on the Showtime series Sleeper Cell. One of the terrorists was a blonde-haired American who converted to Islam. I know its just a TV show, but its not far fetched. There are plenty of people out there willing to do hateful things to this country, no matter what their nationality.
Tell yall the truth this is harsh but in my eyes I see everything coming to a end soon IDK when but all I know is soon. And it tears me up b/c to know when I have a kid and hes gonna have to go through all the crap and I think the best thing we can do to slow it down is just kill everyone who sins against god, b/c if we don't we will have to pay for there sins to when the world ends. Sorry 4 preachin to yall just speakin my mind.
stang99x said:
You already heard about the american who fought for the afghani's. What difference does it make if their from china, russia, iran, or the US for that matter? We're fighting an extremeist religon, not a country.

Exactly. Bush made a mistake after 9/11 by calling Islam a peaceful religion. Now he's coming around and saying that we're at war with Islamic fascism. Racists like Charlie Rangel don't like it, but let's face it: Political correctness has cost thousands of lives already. It's time to call a spade a spade and go kick some a$$.
...the only thing I can try to take comfort in is my hope that the middle of the country is beginning to understand this. Since the media is located on the two coasts, we only see a reflection of their skewed world view when watching TV or reading the press.

People are leaving those blue states in droves, moving to red states. Our last best hope is that these red staters see the true nature of the world and respond accordingly, contrary to the messages on CNN/MSNBC/ABC/CBS/NBC/NPR..

When I get discouraged, I think of that. I realize that most American's have raised with a unique set of values and traditions and won't tolerate what is going on in the world. With the internet, guys like all of us can really make an influence.

For example, if you just e-mail that 60 minutes segment on Pallywood to a few people, who don't have a sophiscated recognition of media bias, it will shake their world view.

The new media and devoted, motivated, and articule people, for example- Fossten, on the internet, who will educate within their circle of influence, will be what saves this country.

And, on a side note, speaking of the libearl bias. For about 50 years, the media has been telling us not to question their integrity, judgement, or bias. So, let's think back, for the past 50 years, what network was considered the most important source of TV news?


And who controlled the news division at CBS.
Walter Cronkike.
Andy Rooney.
Dan Rather.
Mike Wallace.

Now that we have a better idea who these people are, and after Mike Wallace's love affair with the Iranian President, which one do you trust now?
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I think the best thing we can do to slow it down is just kill everyone who sins against god, b/c if we don't we will have to pay for there sins to when the world ends. Sorry 4 preachin to yall just speakin my mind.[/QUOTE]

:eek: Isnt murder against your gods will
It bothers me that America is so friendly in the first place.

Let me guess Calabrio, Fox news is the only real place to get 'fair and balanced' news, right?

I think the best thing we can do to slow it down is just kill everyone who sins against god, b/c if we don't we will have to pay for there sins to when the world ends.

You're certifiable.
MediumD said:
Let me guess Calabrio, Fox news is the only real place to get 'fair and balanced' news, right?

I'd love to hear your opinion of any other news outlet that gives fair and balanced news.
Lincolnpimpin said:
Tell yall the truth this is harsh but in my eyes I see everything coming to a end soon IDK when but all I know is soon. And it tears me up b/c to know when I have a kid and hes gonna have to go through all the crap and I think the best thing we can do to slow it down is just kill everyone who sins against god, b/c if we don't we will have to pay for there sins to when the world ends. Sorry 4 preachin to yall just speakin my mind.

You do realize that you would have to kill every single human being on the planet including yourself... That sounds logical?
Calabrio said:
The new media and devoted, motivated, and articule people, for example- Fossten, on the internet, who will educate within their circle of influence, will be what saves this country.

Come on now, lets not get ahead of ourselves, you just indirectly implied that Fossten will save America. :D
RRocket said:
......this thwarted terrorist attack was going to be carried out by nationals of another US ally? First 9/11 with the majority being Saudis, a US ally, and now the London bombings and this attempt by Pakistanis, a new US ally. With all the scrutiny being placed on "terrorist countries", does it bother you guys that the threats are coming from your allies? Certianly you guys have zero control over this..but is this worrisome to you in the least?

It doesn't bother me at all because I realize an ally of the US is a government allying itself with the US government. This has little or nothing to do with the attitudes of the people living in any of these countries.(such as Iran under the Shah)

There is a book which was published long ago that I still feel represents how the US operates in most of the world, THE UGLY AMERICAN, give it a read and tell me if things have changed much.
95DevilleNS said:
Come on now, lets not get ahead of ourselves, you just indirectly implied that Fossten will save America. :D

And on the good days, I include guys like you too.
MediumD said:
Let me guess Calabrio, Fox news is the only real place to get 'fair and balanced' news, right?
Of the cable news networks, it is the closest thing out there. And even the news division of Foxs leans to the left. But I defy you to find a more even handed coverage of the news than Brit Humes evening broadcast.

This might be interesting too:
95DevilleNS said:
Come on now, lets not get ahead of ourselves, you just indirectly implied that Fossten will save America. :D

Nah. Just people like me. :D

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