Well-Known LVC Member
'02 V8 sport. I had a battery failure a few weeks ago. It spent the night w/ no battery and got a fresh one the next day. I didn't do the "relearn" procedure at all because I didn't know about it. Anyway, I've been noticing some shifting issues. Nothing catastrophic but just a general feeling of not-quite-rightness (slight hesitation when accelerating out of a turn, etc). In reading the threads, I have come to understand the importance of doing the transmission relearn procedure correctly when reconnecting the battery, so I will certainly do that.
But in the meantime, I spent a couple days driving in only SST mode, not just because it's fun, but also to get a better sense of what's going on. And I found that I have a consistent and reproduceable issue that is felt most strongly in 3rd gear, and to a lesser extent, 4th. When accelerating gradually and shifting up through the gears, when I shift into 3rd, it unmistakably does the shift in two parts. I can feel the transmission make a mechanical adjustment immediately, but the car continues to behave like it's in the gear I just shifted out of (RPMs continue to climb, engine pitch remains the same), and then a moment later, the "rest" of the shift happens. The RPMs and pitch drop, and the car "bounces" into gear. I say "bounces" because that's what it feels like; it bounces forward, though not harshly. And if I let off the gas, slow down just a bit, and start to accelerate again (all without changing the gear), the car will do that "bounce" into gear thing again. It's almost as if there's a half gear between 3rd and 4th that the transmission is automatically shifting between, all while in 3rd.
So the reason for that lengthy explanation is to set up this question: Does the transmission relearn procedure affect SST mode at all? I know I can just go out and do the procedure and find out if that fixes the SST issue, but I want to know if I should expect it to.
But in the meantime, I spent a couple days driving in only SST mode, not just because it's fun, but also to get a better sense of what's going on. And I found that I have a consistent and reproduceable issue that is felt most strongly in 3rd gear, and to a lesser extent, 4th. When accelerating gradually and shifting up through the gears, when I shift into 3rd, it unmistakably does the shift in two parts. I can feel the transmission make a mechanical adjustment immediately, but the car continues to behave like it's in the gear I just shifted out of (RPMs continue to climb, engine pitch remains the same), and then a moment later, the "rest" of the shift happens. The RPMs and pitch drop, and the car "bounces" into gear. I say "bounces" because that's what it feels like; it bounces forward, though not harshly. And if I let off the gas, slow down just a bit, and start to accelerate again (all without changing the gear), the car will do that "bounce" into gear thing again. It's almost as if there's a half gear between 3rd and 4th that the transmission is automatically shifting between, all while in 3rd.
So the reason for that lengthy explanation is to set up this question: Does the transmission relearn procedure affect SST mode at all? I know I can just go out and do the procedure and find out if that fixes the SST issue, but I want to know if I should expect it to.