

Active LVC Member
Mar 12, 2005
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Alright guys, I'm done. After close to 10Gs, I'm done. Got rear ended by a drunk driving a big ford excursion at an intersection hard enough to slam the car into oncoming traffic and having the drivers side fender hit breaking the axle and the front end torn off by somebody else speeding to get through a light before it changed. Crushed the rear end and trunk, killing my dog, broke my left arm, and 3 ribs and my girlfriend got a concussion when the right side of her head hit the passenger window and a dislocated shoulder. I don't even remember if the air bags went off or not. Woke up in the hospital without a clue as to what happened or where I was. From what I was told the car was hit at about 45-50, pushed into traffic and then spun around from left to right when the front was hit and ended up with the nose facing in the opposite direction it was facing when hit. I just got out of the hospital so I haven't seen what's left of the car. Luckily we were wearing seat belts. Don't give a damn about me or the car but I wish my two best friends weren't with me when it happened. So I ask from experience that IF any of you go out,PLEASE take a cab or get a designated driver and if you're out be aware of the other Ass H##### that don't give a damn about anyone else they might be endangering. I hope the rest of you have a Happy and above all else SAFE remaining Holiday season. RIP Harley, you were one of the Best.
Well you are alive and so is everyone else that was in the car.

Be thankful for your Mark VIII as it probably saved your's and everyone else's life.

God bless you and take care.
mespock said:
Well you are alive and so is everyone else that was in the car.

Be thankful for your Mark VIII as it probably saved your's and everyone else's life.

God bless you and take care.
:I with mespock, sorry to hear about the loss of your dog!!!
Prayers to you for your dog I love my dogs almost as much as my wife. I could not stand to lose to some #$%$#% drunk. Thank goodness you had a Mark and not some Civic!
I hate to hear that, I had one pull out in front of my at the beginning of the year and total my 96. I seriously hope you are in a state where you can sue, and I hope this person is put in jail. Best wishes to you and everyone in your car.
Wow... very sorry to hear that and the loss of your dog. that really sucks, seems like alot of crashes involving members. please, EVERYONE, BE CAREFUL.
watch out for the other guy or gal...
That is gut wrenching! Bastard drunk driver, sorry about your dog as well. Thank God you weren't on your bike!

Another 96 LSC bites the dust...
Yes, RIP Harley, my condolences to you, it's like loosing a family member. I wish you and your girl friend a speedy recovery and no after effects.

Hope they caught the deadbeat and you don't live in a no fault state.
Hope You And Everyone In The Car Get Well Soon,god Damn It...sue The Pants Off The Ahole Who Was Driving Drunk!!!i Bet He's A Repeat Offender ...unfortunalty Most Are!!!

And Soory About The Dog,i Feel Bad About An Innocent Living Things Being Hurt,whether It's A Human Life Or An Animal.. By Others Who Are Aholes To Drive Drunk Or Be Under The Influance...btw What Kind Of Dog Was It?, (just Being Curious)...and Not For Nothing...what Was The Dog Doing In The Car...not For Nothing Or Please Excuse Me For Sounding Rude,which I Dont Mean To Do At All,but Some Do Not Put Animals Or "a Holes" As In People Who Dont Respect Others Cars Of This Kind /or Any Kind If They Are A Freak About How The Conditions Are To Begin With.(im Sure Most Of You Placing Aholes They Distroy Your Car,and Though Animals Don't Have Any Idea What They Are Doing Because They Are Animals They Dont Know Any Better)...
I Know I Would'nt Put A Dog/animal Who Runs About Freely In The Back Seat/or In The Car Itself.i Have Birds,and I Always,always Have Him/them In A Secure Setting,as Though If I Had A Child So To Speak.
Since You And The Girlfriend Had Seat Belts...did The Dog Have One On Too?again..soME People Have Animals SecureD IN SEATBELTS.......

But All In All I Hope All Of You Who Survived The Crash..are Alive And Getting Well!
Please Becareful.

And To All Of You Who Wanna Drive Drunk...your Day Will Come Soon!
REAP! $$$$
Redesign, you'll have $$ to get another Mark n drop a HEMI in it!

I know you will both be back to new real quick. I hope you find comfort in knowing your pup went happy, he was with you.

Prayers always,


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