It might be cool with Pepperman, but I'm not giving you a pass.... Geez, did you not get the Tickle Me Elmo doll that was on the top of you Christmas list???
poniesviii said:
So, everybody should beleive in God? And, that he is our creator, and we all live under him?
The founding fathers did, they believed that all of those rights you take for granted were endowed upon us by the creator.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed...
I think chrismas exists due to 1)business revenue 2)greed 3)guilty conscience
Well your thinking would be wrong and completely without justification.
Everybody (90 percent of americans) hate Christmas.
Again, you couldn't be more incorrect. Infact, that statement is boldly incorrect it's almost laughable.
It's celebrated until the current upper generation dies.
Again, nonsense.
Tell me how a dickless bastard, got mary pregnant, without touching her. Oh, because he's the creator of all things right. Then who created "him". If he created man, what is "he". He sure isn't a man. "He created man!" And if God created everything and baby Jesus sometime just over 2000 years ago, Explain craters on the planets that scientists predict were formed by asteroids millions of years ago. Scientists predictions are wrong? Possibly. I could go on and on, pretty much I think if there's any truth to it, Jesus isn't any different then the people who committed suicide in Waco Texas to catch a ride behind the asteroid. Yet everybody calls them crazy. And, If Jesus did exist, his momma liked to sleep around, and smoke weed, along with a bunch of other people who decided to come up with a story.
You are such an ignorant and disrespectful arsewipe.
Not only are you so boldly stupid that you feel the need to assault an embraced religion and philosophy, you base it on statements that are not just wrong, the friggin' retarded.
Christ was born 2000 years ago. Yes. There isn't much historical date in regards to this. NO ONE IN THE WORLD HAS EVER CLAIMED THAT HISTORY IS ONLY 2000 YEARS OLD. That is so outrageously stupid, you void of critical thought, that it's what saves your post from being offensive to simply making everyone feel embarrassed for you, and that extra chromosome you carry.
I don't have a problem with peoples' religion.
But I'm a realist, and don't use religion as excuse or crutch to justify unfortunate events that present themselves in this world to make me feel better about reality and the surroundings of where I live.
No your a moron. But, fortunately for your self-confidence, you're too stupid to realize your own limitation.
Pepsi --> "The next generation" smart people. I don't like reading bs everywhere I go. Everybody should have their own opinions, and not be forced to accept anybody elses.
Perhaps you're unaware of the foundations of our society, the philosophical thought that motivated Jefferson and the founders, the founding documents that formed this country, or the culture that has made this country the greatest on Earth.
The mere fact that this incorrect e-mail has circulated around the world so many times, and it is still being repeated today, only underscores how idiotic your rant is. CLEARLY- this IS an important issue to MOST people. Otherwise people STILL wouldn't be responding to it.
Did my post offend anyone? There's no profanity..... and, it's only my opinion. No worse than post number 1, if you're a realist.
You're not a "realist," you're an uneducated and unaware idiot. Don't confuse the two.
Or you smoke them, every chance you get....
should keep to myself. I don't mean to offend you Pepp. However if you're offended we're in the same boat with different beliefs, is all it amounts to. Maybe on different levels, what I said was out there compared to what I was responding to.
You were ranting from a position of gross ignorance. Unaware of the debate, unaware of the history, unaware of the reality. You made up "facts" and interjected irrational opinion under the guise it was thoughtful. And you did so in a grossly disrespectful and ignorant way. The fact no one called you to task either indicates, no one saw it, or they felt it made you look so stupid that a response was warranted.
I say 90 percent because if you go christmas shopping, everywhere I've ever been, is full of disrespectful impatient people. Parking sucks, everybody complains about it, and gripes about how they're broke until tax season.
So, what you're now saying is that people love Christmas so much that they endure the crowds and inconvenience.
If you have children, or you're a fresh couple with a traditional family, you still celebrate Christmas and choose to. If you don't fall into that category, from what I see, you celebrate so you don't feel as an outkast.
Celebrate Christmas to avoid feeling like an outcast? What ridiculous incestuous little circle do you socialize within?
Some people actually enjoy the holiday season,
According to your dumbas.s. claim, only 10%.....
and don't see it as a time for getting things for free. I can respect anyones beliefs, I can't respect people who don't believe in something and still try to celebrate the holiday.
No you can't. Calling the Virgin Mary a slutty refer addict isn't respectful.
Since I was little, the only people I've seen in church, are business people of the community falling asleep. Trying to look good? I've lived in 7 different communities so far, it's no different. It's a good thing for you if you're a christian and live in a TRUE christian community. I think religion helps keep some of the world straight, but I see it as less of a payoff to society via it fuels greed, causes depression, and makes the world spend money they don't have - when that isn't what the holiday is supposed to be about in the first place.
Your world view is grossly skewed and you are horribly educated.
Do you notice, Christmas is recognized EVERY year before the thanks giving holiday? Why would that be? It's a corrupt holiday. And it's intentional purpose for existance is a bit far fetched for me to believe in the first place. I myself look forward to an era of no Christmas. Children don't even know what it's supposed to be about. And before they're old enough to even understand -they're already trained that it is a holiday for recieving presents, and for no other reason than there being snow on the ground.
There is a commercial element that has developed around the holiday. The profit motive encourages retailers to attempt to take advantage of this. But it has nothing to do with Christmas, or what it symbolizes and what it means.
And most children I know DO know what Christmas is about. They do know what it represents and the meaning behind it. A child operates on a different level than adult (though it would appear a higher intellectual level than you)
And more importantly, the adults do too.
Before you start another mindless, insulting, and competely idiotic rant about religion, try reading a few books first and support with other than your skewed anecdotal, observations.
Your comments were so dumb that every single person who read your submissions in this thread are a little stupider for reading it. That is the only thing you accomplished by submitting those two replies.