Don't Wear Flip Flops to the White House


Marxists - Socialists
Jun 15, 2004
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Madison, Wisconsin, United States
Give me a break!!! Well not that I would expect old GW to ever invite me to the White House but if he does they will have more than flip flops to talk about.... :q:q:q:q....

CHICAGO, July 15 (UPI) -- When some of the Northwestern University women's lacrosse team appeared in the White House in flip-flops it raised some eyebrows back home in Chicago.

About half of the national championship team wore flip-flops for photo opportunity with President George Bush Tuesday.

However, when the photograph was published many of the baby boomer mothers were appalled that their daughters chose causal footwear for a formal occasion -- even though these flip-flops are not the rubber flip flops purchased in discount stores.

"As somebody who is 52 years old, it mortified me," one of the team member's mother told the Chicago Tribune. "I don't go out of the house without pantyhose on."

July 15th, 2005
Flip-flops at White House Fashionable?
At what point does a parent need to correct their child’s fashion attire? This may be one. Members for the national championship Northwestern University women’s lacrosse team were invited to the White House to meet President Bush on Tuesday. For the photo-op, four of the nine young women in the front row with the president wore flip-flops. Despite the footwear being the nation’s hottest trend, flip-flops shouldn’t be worn when someone is invited to meet the most powerful person in the country. Does this give new meaning to the politcal term “flip-flopper?” On another fashion note, MommyCool does note that President Bush wears cowboy boots with a tuxedo, but that’s another story.
eff that, The guy is a human being just like everyone else. I would'nt "dress up" if I was gonna meet him, just like he would'nt dress up to meet me.

All of that is just stupid. :slam I can't beleive the media even made a report on this. :rolleyes:
I have to agree with the media on this one. Whether you like the President or not, he is still the President of the United States and proper attire is appropriate. If you don't respect the man, at least respect the office. The ladies should have left their flip-flops at home.
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I agree that you should respect the office. But I still think that this story is not worthy of media attention. The team meeting the president is a good story. But not the flip flop thing. :rolleyes:

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