door ajar keeps killing my battery


Well-Known LVC Member
Aug 18, 2015
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Vancouver British Columbia
I have already taken the little black box apart twice now inside the door and bent the metal flange out so it contacts better when the door is shut. I do not know the name of the part i need to replace. I have made sure its the front passenger door. I know the temporary solution is to tear it apart and bend the metal flange back but at this point I just want to replace it. Ill notice my interior lights will go on sometimes as if the door is open when its parked. Right now its intermittent. Here is the link of the youtube video I got the temp fix from.
You need the door latch assembly.
If you park in your garage at home, you can leave the door open to keep the battery from being drained until you replace the latch.
No garage at the moment until the house is sold. But thanks for the info Joegr. I will purchase a new door assembly. While we are on the subject of door assemblies; My front drivers door and rear passenger door on the left does not lock/unlock with the fob. All of my other doors lock/unlock except the front door and the rear passenger door. I have to manually unlock the drivers side door with the key and manually lock it when parking the car. What would cause both to stop working? The doors came like this when I purchased the car.
I wouldn't buy the whole door, you just need the latch assembly, 6W4Z-5421812-A.
The other two doors probably need latch assemblies as well. They will each be different part numbers.
If your interested I have a used one listed on eBay. Only 1 left out of all the others, happens to be RF. Don't see a point buying a new part like this if it saves good money you don't have.

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