Door Ajar Sensor


Well-Known LVC Member
Feb 1, 2011
Reaction score
New Jersey
Rear passenger door has been acting up for a while. Let the car sit a few days and now its stuck throwing the door ajar message.

Anyone happen to know the part# or exact name for the door open/close sensor?
Yes Gen 2. $300?? I just saw a youtube video of a temp fix and the sensor came out separately.. I suppose thats not possible to get the sensor by itself..

I think this has been causing my PATS light to go off and imobolization. Ive had the warning light go off randomly while driving and get the 5 flashes when locking.
...I think this has been causing my PATS light to go off and imobolization. Ive had the warning light go off randomly while driving and get the 5 flashes when locking.

Sorry, but this is a separate problem. The perimeter alarm and the PATS system are completely separate. Their only interaction is that the PATS light flashes when the perimeter alarm is armed (key off). Sounds like a power or communications problem. Also, PATS will not stop a running engine.
The first place to look is the under-hood fuse box. Look for corrosion and check the PCM relay.
Checked those no corrosion.

To be clear fixing the door last time fixed the 5 flashes. And only times its been imobilized was after key off, ironically opening and closing the rear door solved that unless thats a coincidence.
Checked those no corrosion.

To be clear fixing the door last time fixed the 5 flashes. And only times its been imobilized was after key off, ironically opening and closing the rear door solved that unless thats a coincidence.

Weird. I can only say that's not what any of the PATS service data says.
I have a door ajar light on in 2005 LS Does anyone know how to bypass the switch to make the car think it’s always closed, until I can get it fixed. Like which wires to put a jumper on?

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