Doors Ratteling!!


Well-Known LVC Member
Apr 11, 2006
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Both my drive and pasanger doors started ratteling about a week ago, it sounds like there is something in there and every time i close my doors it sounds so bad.... did anyone have the same problem?? i hate this, it seems liek im driving a cheap ass car aghhh its driving me crazyyy:shifty: How do i take that plastic off of the doors and see whats making the noises inside?
if it does it while the windows are down that's normal. if it does it while the windows are up then you probably have a loose track or regulator...I've seen a couple posts on here with bolts missing from the regulator. as for getting the skins off it's super easy. just remove the few screws (one behind the handle and a few along the sides and bottom IIRC then pull up and out.
Update: took the door apart pretty easy like beaups said.. anyways in there was a peace of old rusted metal, it looks like its 100 years old, i dont even know how it ended up in there its 1 inch thick and round and 3 inches long.. anyways i think ford glued that crap in there just so it unglues it self after 4-5 years so that old ppl can take their cars to the diller (bicause most of the time they are lazy) (or it could be young rich ppl) so the diller will charg them 100-200 bucks for an eazy fix and probobly tell them something else is wrong so they can charge them even more... thats just what i think ahaha its probobly illegal?
it's probably a brace that was added last minute to deal with side impact crashes.

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