Drivers Power mirror removal


Dedicated LVC Member
Apr 19, 2008
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Tampa ish
Hi all, my glass on my passenger window fogged up bad and I can get a nice one from a yard for 25.00 but how do you unwire it? I pulled the door panel and uncliped the grey clip but some wires are going into it from the loom?

Cut and slice?
The mirror just clips onto the motor. If you are just replacing the glass, put you fingers between the housing and the glass and pop it off. There will be a couple wires to unhook for the defrost.
thanks todd, I tried that and think I probabay broke it worse, there are two little white, geat type posts that broke in half.
Hey guys anyone ever changed there whole mirrow only 3 bolts hold it on but I just am not sure how to get that 7 wires off
Jeff, there's a plug about 16 inches from the mirror. Take the panel off & pull up the window. You should be able to unplug it from the inside. I only learned this last year when I pulled the mirrors from my parts car. Should only take a few cuss words & a couple attempts but you should be able to do it.... Remember, when you pull it out, you're only 50% done! :D
Went to a yard and gosh paid 40 for a black one (didnt have to paint) he pulled the speaker and gosh darn there was the clip

Thanks as always all

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