Driver's side door handle problem.....


Active LVC Member
Jun 24, 2004
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New Jersey
Hi. I'm having a problem with my interior driver's side door handle. It stopped working properly a couple of days ago, ironically just as I was pulling in to get my car inspected. :(

It still works if I pull it very, very hard on it a couple of times. I've pulled the door panel, and don't see any obvious broken parts. The cable is intact, and the handle appers to function properly, it almost seems like something "slipped" or came out of adjustmnet slightly.

With the door panel off, if I pull the handle all the way out gently, then tug on the cable gently with a pair of pliers, the door unlatches. I only have to pull the cable maybe a 16th of an inch to pop the latch.

Any thoughts? I have not pulled the latch assembly out of the door yet. Is there something in there I could possibly adjust?

Thanks in advance for any help!:)
Common problem. Mines been broken for months. Is what happens is the cheap plastic used to make the handle eventually starts cracking and u have to pull harder to open it. Then it will snap off. The way to open it is to put ur thumb on the lock button and push it back. If u watch the door handle open it pulls the lock with it. Thats what i have been doin until i get around to fixing it.
Yep, sure enough, took a cloaser look at the bottom of the handle and there's a small crack.

Thanks! Guess it's a new handle assembly for me! :rolleyes:
Not a whole assembly talk to fordpartsnetwork (not sure if that it, btu theyre banners on the side) and ask him for jsut the handle. Its like a 30 dollar piece and u shoudl be able to jsut swawp it out.
If anyone has dont this swap please chime in and let us know what all it take to swap handles out.
itsnotmydaddys, I might have a temp fix for you if you can't get to replacing the whole handle soon.

I was back out in the garage looking at the handle, and I was able to get it working again by moving the cable around a bit.

Take a look at this pic, which could possibly be the worst picture on the internet by the way(cam phone and flashlight).

Right before the cable meets the lock button, it has a black "housing" around it. That housing sits in a small clip. If you pop the cable "housing" out of that clip, so it rests against the outside of the clip instead, it seems to take up a tiny bit of the slack caused by the cracked handle.

Works for me. Hopefully I can get it inspected now, and worry about replacing the whole handle later.

Also. you're right. The handle is about $30 from It does look like some rivets need to be drilled out though.:shifty:

Good luck!
When you say drill out, will I have to replace the rivets? Will i need a heavy duty good as the Dealership puts it?
When you say drill out, will I have to replace the rivets? Will i need a heavy duty good as the Dealership puts it?

I personally would use the same size of rivet just because it is a part that gets constant use and should be tightly secured in place. Any local bodyshop should have the same equipment and the rivets and may actually be cheaper than going to a dealership. Most of the ones around here do stuff like that for free but I also live in a small town. I actually need to do mine too it's been acting up for about a month but hasn't been a priority since I blew the motor!
I just used short bolts, lock washers and used a little locktite on the nuts. That was 5 years ago.
+1 I was just going to recommend bolts/lock washers/nut.
okay great! I have a weak blackanddecker drill, so will need something more heavy duty for job?

I know need a stronger one for my manlihood.
Brand new sharp drill bits may help out the old B+D. Good Luck

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