Driver's Side Mirror


Well-Known LVC Member
Oct 25, 2006
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My driver's side mirror has broken and I want to know if it is possible to take the inside of it out and replace it with one that works. The reason I want to do this insted of just buying a new mirror is because I would like to keep it the same shade of color as the car. Just a little bit off and it would bother me until I got the whole car repainted. I'm OCD with that kind of stuff.
What's broken on it? I'll sell you the guts if you want to put in the work. It can be done.
I just need a new mirror. It has got the fog effect where the auto dim is always on.
its easy wish i had pics but i dont.

step 1: remove the door panel and disconnect the mirror wiring.

step 2: remove 3 nuts holding the mirror housing to the door. (you'll need a deep well socket for that)

step 3: remove the 3 studs from the housing using a really small socket or the right E socket if you own them. if you dont have the right sockets use a pair of plies or vice grips just be careful not to damage the threads.

step 4: remove the last Torx screw on the bottom of the housing.

At some point u have to pull the wiring harness out of the door, this is kind of a PITA. the way ive always done it is there are 2 lock tabs on one of the mirror plugs, i just break one off because you really only need one.

after all that pull the old guts out put the new ones in and your good to go for a reinstall, just reverse the steps.

Take care and good luck
I done mine yesterday on the 94. I had no choice because the 93 mirror only has one main plug and the 94 has the same but also has an additional plugin that you can actually get to. With the 93 mirror already being black, I thought I was done but once it was in, it would only move back and forth, if I pushed down, the mirror would turn blue and pushing it up, it done nothing.

I took out the three bolts that are mounted to the mirror, removed the phillips head screw from the bottom and everything comes right out fairly easy. Now I have my 94 insides put into a 93 mirror shell that was nice black and shining where my 94 mirror shell was a little faded on the top side. Now I have the back and forth and up and down movement back again and no mirror changing into a blue color. Simple job!

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