Driver's side oxygen sensor $#%@



Any tricks to getting this thing out? I was under my car this afternoon and I couldn't get mine out...I got frustrated and quit. I borrowed a special socket from work that is like a crow's foot, but couldn't get it out.:mad:
Heat is your friend. Start up the car and get the exhaust warm than try it.

If you have a torch and you can get it all along the bung (where the O2 sensor screws into) heat that sucker red-hot and it should come right out.

Heat is an exhaust's best friend
Use lots of loosen-all, or what ever flavor of penetrating oil, the night before, soaking it 4-5 times and tapping with a hammer - just enough to set a vibration. The next morning wipe any residue off, start 'er up let run for a few minutes. Turn off and give it a try - it should pop right out. Be careful and all that stuff, wear mechanic's gloves and safety goggles, etc...
All that talk of heating up the exhaust made me laugh. Have to tried to get in there when it is hot? Good luck with bare hands, much less gloves.

Penetrating oil and a torch may be needed, not running the whole exhaust hot.


It really is a repair worth paying someone else to do. I have done 4 now, not fun, especially reconnecting the sensors.
MonsterMark said:
All that talk of heating up the exhaust made me laugh. Have to tried to get in there when it is hot? Good luck with bare hands, much less gloves...
Assuming you don't have the tools. I am a mechanic... :D

Yea, that is a good note though, if you really don't have the tools just take it to a mechanic and let them sware up a storm (I know I do)

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