Russian-built Sukhoi Su-30MK Flankers. I think the problem is that the F-15 is a single seat bird and they weren't allowed to use AWACS. This is one BIG advantage that the Tomcat always enjoyed. That and the fact that after a much-needed engine upgrade, the F-14 was more than a match for anything in the air. Like I said before, it's just a shame that the Tomcats in use are so old they are getting too costly to keep in the air. Just too old. And what's going to replace them? I see nothing out there that can fill the Tomcat's shoes. All I hear is there's nothing but problems with the F-22 and F-35. Problems that "could" end up pushing their price tag up to around $250 MILLION when basic research costs are taken into account. Is that ridiculous or what?