Dying Breed


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Sep 8, 2008
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Who Killed the Responsible Republican? Bill Kristol, of course.
By Jacob Weisberg
Do you remember the Responsible Republicans? In the 1980s, small herds of them still roamed freely around Washington. In 1982, they voted for the largest tax increase in history to mitigate the fiscal harm of Ronald Reagan's 1981 tax cut.* In 1983, they converged on Capitol Hill to pass a package of tax increases and benefit cuts recommended by the Greenspan Commission to keep Social Security solvent. In 1986, they followed Wyoming Sen. Alan Simpson to pass bipartisan immigration reform legislation by a large majority. In 1990, several were spotted with President George H.W. Bush (the Responsible one) at Andrews Air Force Base, conspiring to reduce the deficit.

After the Andrews summit, however, glimpses of them outside captivity became increasingly rare. With their habitats in the Northeast, Midwest, and Pacific Northwest under threat and their natural predators on the rise, the status of the species moved from "threatened" to "endangered." Though occasionally spotted on the rocky shoals of Maine's Penobscot Bay and in beach houses up and down the California coast, they now rarely emerge from the wilderness. During the health care battle, President Obama was unable to find a single Responsible Republican to serve as a mascot. There continue to be rumors of the Double R's return around issues such as immigration, financial reform, and climate change. Yet we have now gone several years without a confirmed sighting.


The politics of Republican implacability are based on what might seem an obvious insight that competition is a zero-sum game. If Democrats pass their plans, they succeed politically and Republicans lose. But while elections are zero-sum, politics as a whole is not. Without some level of bipartisan cooperation, voters become increasingly cynical, the system becomes too paralyzed to address the major issues, and the whole country suffers in consequence. Longer term, it is hard to see the politics of "no" as a winning Republican strategy.

The rise of hyperpartisanship is not one of those problems for which the left and right are equally to blame. Democrats, who like legislating better than Republican do, and who have seldom had the GOP's ability to march in lockstep, still instinctively prefer to work on a bipartisan basis. They continue to hope, against the odds, that Double Rs will escape extinction and one day provide partners for them again. Perhaps Ted Turner will find a way to breed them on his ranch.
False premise.

What you're asking is, where did the irresponsible, big government, Progressive Republicans go. Well, most of the ones in office in 1982 are dead or retired, but there are still far too many of them that carry that mantle today.

The Reagan tax cuts stimulated the economy and increased tax revenues.
They expanded liberty. Unfortunately, the spending in congress increased at rate even greater than the increased revenue. The notion that you'd present politicians who voted to RAISE taxes during the recession back then indicates the collective economic ignorance of the author.

And, if that immigration reform bill was so well written, why are faced with another 20M illegal aliens in the country right now and forced into the middle of a policy debate considering ANOTHER immigration reform bill?

When you compromise with someone who has taken an extreme position, profoundly ideologically different than your own and one that conflicts with the countries core values, you don't get a happy medium- you get incrementalism.
Often, you get a creeping soft tyranny.

Any extreme example, some one says they want to lock you in their basement for six months. Let's even pretend they have some greater good argument to justify it.
You say no, you value your freedom. Is there a compromise available?

Is the compromised position to let them lock you in the basement for just 3 months?
Or lock you in the basement, but you then argue about what you'll eat while you are in there?

There is no compromise available. A different solution to the problem needs to be hammered out.


I've said this before, the main problem with the Republican party through out this past century is that it hasn't really clearly stood for anything of principle. For much of the time, they've really been the other side of the big government coin, Progressive- but with lower taxes and some more economic freedom.

With exceptions like the Goldwater and Reagan movements, there's been little active embrace of classic liberalism and a firm appearance to constitutional principles.

They need to emerge in 2010 and 2012 as genuinely small government, low taxes, low intervention, strict constitutionalists. Those "good Republicans," that foxpaws probably dated and routinely uses as her 'examples', need to be purged from the party leadership.
Hey I remember those guys and also voted for some back then ...

Now all you get are nightmares of the Sarah Palin's ... " You Betcha' "

Putting the personality politics and media representations away,
is there something she's said or done regarding policy that you don't like?
But, don't worry, she's not running for anything, nor do I think she is going to do so any time soon.

One other thing, maybe you don't know it, but it's a little ironic when a guy from Minnesota is mocking the dialect of a women born in Idaho and raised in Alaska. Those same elitists in NY, LA, and DC attacking and looking down their noses at Palin do the same thing to you as they fly over your state too. They are a contemptuous political class of people.
Where did the fiscally responsible, tax cutting Democrats go?

Oh, yeah, they left soon after JFK died.
The rise of hyperpartisanship is not one of those problems for which the left and right are equally to blame. Democrats, who like legislating better than Republican do
Translation: Democrats like taking your freedoms away more than Republicans do.

, and who have seldom had the GOP's ability to march in lockstep, still instinctively prefer to work on a bipartisan basis. They continue to hope, against the odds, that Double Rs will escape extinction and one day provide partners for them again. Perhaps Ted Turner will find a way to breed them on his ranch.
This is so untrue it's laughable. Exhibit A = the closed door sessions locking out the Republicans while drawing up the healthcare bill monstrosity.

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