E-Ram??? Electric supercharger


Active LVC Member
Jul 5, 2007
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Alright I searched on the forums and came up with nothing. So I'm going to ask if anyone has one of these: http://www.electricsupercharger.com/index.html
They claim 1 psi of boost with the original e-ram and 1.7psi with the super e-ram which is basically 2 e-rams back to back. There are a decent amount of dyno's for the basic unit but I have yet to find any for the double. It seems like it does work. Has anyone tried one of these on a mark or seen its results in person?
Simple physics, think about it your standard roots type blower takes 30 to 70HP to work from the motor for the 12 to 20 LBS boost. So 746 watts=1HP, for 12LBS boost thats about 22380 watts.
Now lets look at the 1.7PSI of boost the E ram claims, and by the way thats for a very small displacement engine. 1.7PSI will take around 2.5 to 3.2 HP in the real world so we will cut it in the middle 2.8HP so thats about 2089 watts I am sure that little hair dryer is going to do that watt figure, maybe super cooled in liquid nitrogen.
Simple fact most all electric superchargers are bogus. There are a couple that are not but you will pay as much as the real deal and they will drain 2 500 amp car batteries in 2 passes at the track.
Although the guy who makes it is a whackjob, there is a real electric supercharger out there...

Electric Supercharger

I had one of these unit kits on my 1996 Mitsubishi 3000gt Several Years Ago.....This really works.....I had the Generation II Electric Supercharger & the Torque Was Tremendous Plus Speed....Blew Everything Away!!!
Those things are a joke & will not produce any boost. At high rpm's your engine will be starving for air because those silly fans can't spin fast enough. Just someone trying to make a buck off people who will believe anything!
i would recomend a gas powered leaf blower, that way it dosn't take any power from the motor or wasted weight from extra batterys:rolleyes:
I say let the guy buy it and then this myth can be busted and put away for good, I have always wanted to see how much of a waste of money this is just not with my money.

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