EDIS 8/EECIV Blue Wire Frustration, Anger and Hope


New LVC Member
Nov 25, 2014
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I bought a 95 Mark 8 after numerous conversations with the former owner's friend as the owner had already moved and lost his storage, but I did not see it first. My fault but the price was hard to beat and the car was going to the crusher if I didn't pull the trigger that day. 900 bucks...mine. Last Mark I owned was a Mark V and I have wanted and 8 for awhile. 98K miles, coilover mod, JMOD...super clean. On the day the car was to be picked up by my tow guy, Owner called and gave me the one more thing line.... Apparently, she had been sitting and recently he began to experience the fail to shut off issue which I believed would either be the simple switch or the not simple actuator...but I sourced a used steering column for 50 bucks so no big deal. Unfortunately, the owner's friend told me that when the car did not shut off, the former owner had "pulled a blue wire" that "looked like a fusible link" from the module on the driver side wheelwell and this had shut off the car...when he wanted to start it he simply plugged the blue wire (via an extension wire) into a power supply in the engine compartment fuse box and the car would start. Now I feel a bit lost as the electrical, she is my weakness. According to my research, the blue wire originally was plugged into either the EEC-IV module (which is plugged into the EDIS 8) module, or it was plugged directly into the EDIS 8 module... CAN ANYONE HELP THIS POOR FOOL WHOSE LOVE OF LINCOLN MARKS CAUSED HIM TO BUY A CAR SIGHT UNSEEN?

My question (of course) is where does this blue wire plug into (EDIS 8? EEC-IV?)? What is it for? When it gets spark from the battery, the car definitely starts and then the wire can be separated from the battery terminal and the car continues to run. The "fusible link" wire that the owner's friend mentioned (which is "next to" the blue wire) appears to be a ground because as soon as we touch the blue wire to it, the car shuts off. My mechanic is also not great with electrical and is telling me that he thinks the EDIS 8 module is no good, but I do not know that to be true. It "seems" like the blue wire needs to be plugged into a "slot" on The EDIS 8 next to the EEC-IV module. I just want to get the wiring right and move on to the actuator/switch issue and the new thermostat issue and the leaky brake line issue so that I can drive her. She has not been driven in over a year. I changed the oil and put in 6 quarts of synthetic with a new filter and she made what may be a timing chain type clatter at idle when I first started her but that went away. I could not measure the exact amount of oil needed as the dipstick is missing (new one comes in tomorrow). Any comments or advice would be greatly appreciated. If you would prefer to contact me by phone just let me know. Thank you in advance LVC community.

Sodus, NY

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