eibachs... pls read...


Well-Known LVC Member
Aug 9, 2009
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so 2 days ago i decided to take my car to my brothers shop and replace the stock springs for the eibachs and at the same time change the rotors, which i got for free. After replacing the 2 front springs, rotors.. and pads.. i put everything back together.. well here's what happened... after replacing it i noticed a clunk noise coming from the front of the car while driving over tiny bumps, the noise does not persist through bigger bumps or have anything to do with the pads or rotors.. ( i got in an argument with my brother go figure and i dont really want to talk to him) LOL... but anyways im almost sure its the shocks and i just wanted to know if everyone replaces the shocks when changing springs and also if you align the car all over again... if anyone knows of a good place to get shocks for CHEAP it would be very helpfull.. cause well im a poor college student.

well thanks for your time!
Depending how used your shocks are.Would've been easier to do it all once you had the spring off too.

Try max at 5 star ford for a good price. If you dont want to go oe, monroe makes shocks for the ls, but it's about the same price as oem with the lvc discount,it might even be a little cheaper, well for gold members it is. I have monroe on right now but I'm not satisfied that this is how the ls is suppose to ride.Plus, another member said he bought monroes and days later took them back and bought oem instead, further assuring my doubts on them.

I have oem shocks that I'll put on when I do spring in a few weeks, if you want a quick cheap replacement, you can have them for real cheap price once I switch them out.. They have about 11k miles on them. I dont know how long shocks last, I think I read about 50k-75k miles.

Honestly, I would say save up for new oem shocks, if your shocks are bad. Make sure it's that though. I know how college can give your wallet a beating so if you want real cheap/used shocks, let me know
Check your shocks and sway bar bushings. My LS was clunking really bad over bumps until I replaced the shocks with OEM Euros. I still get an occasional clunk and have heard it's most likely the sway bar bushings.
Im still kicken my butt for not replacing shocks when i did springs. Not sure i can handle the manual tools and spring compressors again
shocks usually do last 50-75k from what i've heard, +1 on the bushings, mines been clunking for quite some time just haven't gotten around to replacing them

andrizzle- you could always rent the air tools from autozone
if its not the shocks sunthin is definitely off with the alignment. i had to wait a day to do mine and it took care of most of the noises. plus 1 on the bushings.
double check and make sure that there is not anything loose, sway bar bushings could make a soft clunk, but if thats the case then it should have made the same noise before you did the work.
there was absolutely no noise before at all.. i checked everything and its all tight im gonna have to try to put it in the lift this weekend and check it out again.. : /
Sway bar end links? Maybe you messed them up installing the springs? They'll make a clunk noise when they're on their way out.

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