Well-Known LVC Member
so 2 days ago i decided to take my car to my brothers shop and replace the stock springs for the eibachs and at the same time change the rotors, which i got for free. After replacing the 2 front springs, rotors.. and pads.. i put everything back together.. well here's what happened... after replacing it i noticed a clunk noise coming from the front of the car while driving over tiny bumps, the noise does not persist through bigger bumps or have anything to do with the pads or rotors.. ( i got in an argument with my brother go figure and i dont really want to talk to him) LOL... but anyways im almost sure its the shocks and i just wanted to know if everyone replaces the shocks when changing springs and also if you align the car all over again... if anyone knows of a good place to get shocks for CHEAP it would be very helpfull.. cause well im a poor college student.
well thanks for your time!
well thanks for your time!