electric fan not working, fan circuit open


Dedicated LVC Member
Apr 17, 2005
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Bay Area
My electric fan stopped working while driving home and my car almost overheated. The computer warning didn't come on but it was pretty close to the red... I get hard fault code 582, fan circuit open. Any ideas on what to look for?
your chip is supposed to turn the fan on much sooner than stock. perhaps the hit you took jarred the connection to the fan, or the fan motor took a dump.
It's been 3 weeks since the car got hit and the fan was working fine the whole time. I'm gonna try to wire up a manual fan switch this Sat to see if it works. If the actual fan motor went out, wouldn't I not get any codes at all?
You could start by checking the motor itself. If you have a ohmmeter, check resistance between the + terminal which is on the left, and the - which is on the right. There are marks on the motor, so you can't get confused. There should be no resistance. If there is, try checking the middle terminal which is also a positive, to the - terminal. If there is no resistance there, you could just swap the green positive wire which is on the left of your connector pigtail, to the central position. Your fan should now work.
I checked earlier, there was no resistance. I will try swapping the green wire to the central position. If the fan still doesn't work does that mean the motor finally went out and I need a new electric fan? Thanks for the help...
Not necessarily. You could check it, by connecting a 10gauge wire from the negative battary post to the negative terminal on the motor, then connect a 10gauge wire from the positive post of the battery to the positive terminal on the motor. Be forewarned, the 93-96 MkVII fans have a high startup current draw, so it may spark on contact. if the fan still doesn't work, take that positive wire and go to the middle terminal of the motor. If the motor works now, you could just swap the green wire over on the connector. If the motor works with both terminals powered straight from the battery, you need to disconnect the vlcm and check pins 2 and 3 for continuity with the green wire terminal on the connector pigtail. You might have an open there.
Also, if the motor doesn't work on either circuit, then you could buy just a replacement motor. Do not try and buy it from ford, as they will only list the whole motor/shroud assembly.
The whole assembly is not really that bad...The retail is BAD at $435.10 but your price would be $235.10 plus ups.
Well before I buy the whole new electric fan assembly and shroud I want to make sure it's not working anymore. In any case, I have a friend that works at Ford and gives me his employee discount everytime on parts. I'm pretty sure it would be lower than $200...

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