electric help !:(


Well-Known LVC Member
Mar 19, 2011
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my car turns on with the gagues going up
then when i turn off the car couple seconds later the headlights stay on
and on top of that i cant use my clicker to unlock or lock :(
next time tell your supplier you want the clean stuff not that tainted crap!
Jägerbombs ?

It'll be alright in the morning, take a taxi instead.
clicker. thats a new one.

You young whippersnappers! We've been calling any remote a clicker ever since the first TV remotes hit the market! They always "clicked" when one of the 5 buttons were pushed.
multimeter reads 12v

Doesn't mean it doesn't have enough juice to start the car. How old is the battery?

My daughter's battery has been dying for the last few months. We kept putting it on a charger and it still dies. I told her it is apparently time for a new battery and to dig up the receipt to see how much she could save with a warranty replacement. Welllllll...... It has been longer than I thought since I replaced the battery. The receipt is dated 12/05. I guess 7+ years for a battery isn't bad! It was ~$85.
Another vote for the battery.

When my battery went bad my car was doing a lot of crazy stuff.
Another vote for the battery.

When my battery went bad my car was doing a lot of crazy stuff.

The first time mine went my tach showed ~6Krpm and the speedo ~135mph yet I was barely doing an actual 30ish!
i have a kinetik battery though
maybe its a fuse? what fuses should i look at
i have a kinetik battery though

correct me if im wrong but a kinetik battery still can go bad, right? only 12 volt will cause 'problems'. problems seem to be different for everyone. it still starts my car (barely), then again mines a stock v6.

your battery may just need charged. get it checked for free somewhere tomorrow... or tonight (west coast)
also you guys the thed dash light blinks pretty crazy when i try and start it
Maybe it's the Battery ?


swapped out batterys and still the same thing:mad::mad:
Test both batteries, neither one is brand new, nor properly charged, I bet.

also you guys the thed dash light blinks pretty crazy when i try and start it

at this pt is where yall should have stopped saying 'battery' and started saying 'passive anti theft system (PATS)'. OP, youre talking about the red led on the dash, correct? that would cause a no-start condition. Check the service manual and the PCED manual... i dont remember which has the rudimentary tables to decode a PATS code. i do know that reading the code involves counting the number of times the light flashes. you might want to count your flashes and search here if you dont have the manuals....
My chips still on the battery, the LS is know to do funky things when the battery is weak.
Throw it on a charger overnight, if it starts right up without all the for mentioned issues and happens again after a day or so, the charging system and battery may both together need to be refreshed.

I'm all for solving problems without throwing money at new parts but ... one can only do so much without eventually distinguishing the "Open Wallet" light.
he said he put a new battery in it. wallet has already been opened, not sure what his wallet and his PATS light have in common tho. i would check the code on the pATS before i put anything other than potatoe chips on a table. its just an uneducated bet if you dont check the code first..
Does it turn over? If it's a PATS issue you can try turning the key to the ACC/On position for 30 seconds - a minute then try to start it. I've had to do that before, and it's like the car is relearning the key.
With...... A new, fully charged battery?

If it was, then it almost has to be a loose or corroded or otherwise failing heavy electrical connect (power and/or ground).

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