electrical problem(engine dies)


Well-Known LVC Member
Mar 3, 2005
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li ny
ok so my car had been sitting for a month and a half up in the air< water got in but only seemed to go into the back floor on both sides.. anyways i'm sure something is shorted out, maybe someone has had this problem or knows what it could be.

so I installed my engine and everything runs perfect, except for when I hit the rear window defogger button, the engine suddenly dies, like everything cuts off that has to do with the engine, the fuel pump as well. if you just have the car sitting in the on pos but not running you will se ethe chk engine light, break light, battery light(on the gauges) when you hit the defogger to turn it on all those lights go out and when you turn it off the lights on the dash come back on and you hear the fuel pump kick back on. however nothing else is affected, not my stereo system not the lights in the car not the headlights, only what has to do with the engine. any info and help b4 this makes me wanna sell my car would be greatfull. thanks

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