Electronic Emergency Brake Problem


New LVC Member
Jul 19, 2013
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The Colony
I have a 2003 Lincoln LS. Last year, I changed my rear brakes and pads. Everything was put back together (I have had a mechanic re-check my work) and the Service Emergency Brake warning has come on and the Emergency Brake will not operate. I have disconnected the battery, and then taken the steps to re-set the parking brake but still get the message. If I were a gambling man, I'd put money on needing a new EPB module. My 2 questions are these... Is there anything else it could be? If I need to replace the EPB module, is there a place I can get a NEW one or is my only hope finding one off of a junk car hoping it still works?
I have a 2003 Lincoln LS. Last year, I changed my rear brakes and pads. Everything was put back together (I have had a mechanic re-check my work) and the Service Emergency Brake warning has come on and the Emergency Brake will not operate. I have disconnected the battery, and then taken the steps to re-set the parking brake but still get the message. If I were a gambling man, I'd put money on needing a new EPB module. My 2 questions are these... Is there anything else it could be? If I need to replace the EPB module, is there a place I can get a NEW one or is my only hope finding one off of a junk car hoping it still works?

I found that if the pin on the brake pad isn't lined up with the slot in the piston this could happen.
I need to specify..... This is for the rear pads, the front just pop-in.
Did you use the tool to screw the rear pistons back in?

There are two parking brake assemblies, the actuator, and the electronic control module.
After I finally figured out that I needed the tool, yes. I'm tying to decide if it would be cheaper to take the car to the dealer and get them to diagnose it, or just go ahead and start replacing the actuator and the ecm until it is fixed. I'm just having a hard time finding those parts.
I'd get it diagnosed. There are some bad modules out there (mostly from 04s), and you might get one of those.

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