EPA says CO2 is harmful to the environment


Dedicated LVC Member
Apr 24, 2005
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What's next? Regulating exhaling? Limiting children per household? Banning coal mining? Any bets on how long until we reach 40% unemployment?

The Environmental Protection Agency has concluded greenhouse gases are endangering people’s health and must be regulated, signaling that the Obama administration is prepared to contain global warming without congressional action if necessary. …

Under a Supreme Court ruling, the so-called endangerment finding is needed before the EPA can regulate carbon dioxide and five other greenhouse gases released from power plants, factories and automobiles under the federal Clean Air Act.

The EPA signaled last April that it was inclined to view heat-trapping pollution as a threat to public health and welfare and began to take public comments under a formal rulemaking. The action marked a reversal from the Bush administration, which had declined to aggressively pursue the issue.

Business groups have strongly argued against tackling global warming through the regulatory process of the Clean Air Act. Any such regulations are likely to spawn lawsuits and lengthy legal fights.
And thus the United States goes...

Meaning- the President and his staff are now going to enforce and create environmental laws and regulation without the input of the Congress or the population. They'll do it all through ridiculous regulation.

Time to pack perhaps... I hear Canada is nice this time of year. :cool:

The nanny-state in Canada is just as bad.
Fact is, if America is forced to fail, there's no where else in the world to go.

Time to panic yet?
You can't ever panic.
When you panic, people make bad decisions with unintended consequences.
It's certainly time to prepare though.
Meaning- the President and his staff are now going to enforce and create environmental laws and regulation without the input of the Congress or the population. They'll do it all through ridiculous regulation.


A blatant abuse of power, IMO. IF the EPA is used in such a way, it should be abolished. It is not constitutional anyway due to the non-delegation doctrine (which is also the reason most federal bureaucracies are not constitutional).

Besides anything giving Sunstein regulatory power is wrong... ;)

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