Excellent Article on the LWM (Left Wing Media)


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 2, 2004
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United States
Go here if interested in finding out how the Left Wing Media and CBS attempted to steal the election.

Here's the last 2 paragraphs....

The President of the United States and Commander-In-Chief of our Armed Forces served honorably in the ANG. The LWM hoaxes covered above are just a small sampling of what LWM did to assassinate the character of GWB for the purpose of getting a Left-Wing Liberal Democrat elected President. Articles written about the President's service in the Guard were seldom written from a politically neutral perspective. When LWM went back 30 plus years to "explore" GWB's ANG record, they were on a search and destroy mission. They were not looking to find the good. They were looking to find bad. When they they didn't find bad, then they speculated, conjured up, fabricated and manufactured it. LWM used fraud and deception each time they attacked GWB's ANG service. Many Americans were duped by LWM. Fortunately Bloggers saved the day and exposed CBS’ fraudulent reporting, and in so doing, discredited the reporting ethics of the, so-called, “credentialed” media. People should realize that LWM is as culpable as Dan Rather. It was LWM that manufactured and promulgated the myths which provided the fraudulent content supporting Dan Rather's fraudulent memos. It should be noted that while the American people heard the steady drum beat of attacks on GWB's service in the ANG, LWM refused to methodically scrutinize Kerry's service history. There were no LWM lawsuits for the release of Kerry's records as there were for GWB and there was no LWM drumbeat for Kerry to sign form 180 - which would have released all of Kerry's military records.

It should be noted that CBS' attempts to sabotage GWB didn't stop with Dan Rather's Memogate. On October 31, 2004, CBS's 60 Minutes had planned to take another shot at influencing the outcome of our national election. See “Big media drops the mask” It was reported that the New York Times and CBS 60 Minutes were engaged in a collaborative effort to manufacture a story with the following underlying theme "380 Tons of RDX and HMX went missing under Bush's Watch"; therefore, Bush is incompetent and the military was incompetent in performing its duties to safeguard each of the 10,000 munition storage facilities in Iraq. This story was ideal for an October election surprise because it would inflame the passions of the American people with conjured up stories of how the 380 tons could be used to attack our population and soldiers; also, the hoax would require time to debunk and therefore perfect for influencing a national election. Back to back efforts (by CBS's 60 Minutes) to influence Election 2004 tells us that there are virtually no sacred media boundaries when it comes to getting a Left-Wing Democrat in the White House. Lessons Learned: Fraudulent LWM stories should be expected on the broadcast networks and in mainstream media prior to National Elections.

My recent articles are: Exit-Poll Disinformation Hoax Backfires?, 380 Tons of RDX and HMX Missing Hoax and Sugarcoated Officer Efficiency Report Hoax. Copyright by Col. John H. Wambough, Jr. USAF (Ret.)
And FOX is "fair and balanced" too....... which is why O'Reily gave GW not one, but two nights of free airtime the nights before the election.



BTW, where's the PROOF that those papers on GW were fraudulent? Where's the denial from the white house? Still waiting.............
JohnnyBz00LS said:
And FOX is "fair and balanced" too....... which is why O'Reily gave GW not one, but two nights of free airtime the nights before the election.
I recall OReilly wanting to interview Kerry, but Kerry refused all offers. Whose fault is that?
JohnnyBz00LS said:
BTW, where's the PROOF that those papers on GW were fraudulent? Where's the denial from the white house? Still waiting.............
You are entertaining, I give you that. The fact that I recreated the forgeries in the exact font, with the exact spacing and kerning, using the default page in Microsoft Word tells you all you need to know about those documents. What denial? That makes me laugh. Like when the moron Dan Blather was asking Bush to answer the charges anyway, even though they were made up. Lefties kill me.

Here is your answer.
MonsterMark said:
You are entertaining, I give you that. The fact that I recreated the forgeries in the exact font, with the exact spacing and kerning, using the default page in Microsoft Word tells you all you need to know about those documents.

That doesn't PROVE squat, all it PROVES it that Word's default font can duplicate a '70s IBM selectric w/ proportional spacing and a Times New Roman font ball w/ "th" superscripts, which does call their authenticity into question, I'll give you that. I'm continually amazed how gullible the GOP faithful are. Don't forget the collaborating witness states the content of those papers is accurate.

I know, I'm just doing some more of this......... :Bang :Bang
You can always count on Bryan to support the "Worst President Ever" with blind faith.
Dear John Letter to Johnny and Barry,

Hi guys. Inside I am screaming at the top of my lungs but on the outside, cool as a cucumber.


The point is, you do not have to do ANYTHING to duplicate the document. Just open up WORD and use it's default letter writing setting and you can duplicate it. Proportional spacing, text positioning, and all the other stuff that was PROVEN were not available at the time these letters were proported to have been written. The fact that ANYBODY with a computer can duplicate those documents means without a doubt, they are fakes. Period.

For you guys to argue otherwise has lowered the credibility level in your other arguments because you have no credibility here. There are only a few people in this country that might still argue about the authenticity. I'm sorry to see you guys lumped in that group. This was as cut and dried a case of busted as one can get.

Dan Rather tried to pass fraudulent documents of as authentic, was caught, and should be doing jail time for trying to influence the results of a Presidential election. Anything less is an injustice to the American people. Thankfully, God is on the side of the righteous, and will always prevail.
Nice try Bryan, I know we hashed this out ad-nausium long ago in this thread:


Where your conclusion is summed up as (apparently from your conversation w/ the country's 2nd ranked document authenticity expert):

* He said that he didn't know who CBS contacted to verify the document's authenticity, but that there is really only one other man that may be more qualified to determine authentic typefaces than himself. I think that the burden of proof may be on CBS to reveal this information.

I asked him to put a percentage on the chances that this was a fake, and he said that was "hard to put a number on it." I then suggested "90%?" Again he said it's "hard to put an exact number, but I'd say it's at least that high, sure. I pretty much agree that that font is Times New Roman."

That is NOT 100% proof, beyond any shadow of a doubt. Additionally, your 2nd rank "expert" failed to address the issue I raised of the characters on the suspect documents not perfectly aligned on the same horzontal baseline as they would be from a laser or ink-jet printer. He also acknowledged that technology DID exist in '72 that could create those documents.

The rest of that thread hashes "he said, she said" conspiracy theories about CBS collaborating w/ the Kerry campaign. The conclusion is that the only thing CBS did wrong was A) fail to properly authenticate those documents before airing the story, and B) provide said authentication after the story aired. The latter will be impossible unless the originals, with the signature in ink, are found. I suspect only DeLay knows where those are.

JohnnyBz00LS said:
"expert" failed to address the issue I raised of the characters on the suspect documents not perfectly aligned on the same horzontal baseline as they would be from a laser or ink-jet printer. He also acknowledged that technology DID exist in '72 that could create those documents.
2 things. Number 1. the documents are copies and everybody knows that copies can and usually are distorted, plus if they were faxed, thats even worse. 2nd. It is a huge stretch to say that the technology (I might say) could have existed back then, but to then assume that this technolgy would show itself on a typewriter located in place in podunk Texas is a bit extreme. By any stretch of the imagination. And his secretary readily admitted that she typed all of his memos and that she didn't type these. Lets not even go near the obvious forgery of the signatures.

JohnnyBz00LS said:
The rest of that thread hashes "he said, she said" conspiracy theories about CBS collaborating w/ the Kerry campaign. The conclusion is that the only thing CBS did wrong was A) fail to properly authenticate those documents before airing the story, and B) provide said authentication after the story aired.
The only thing SeeBS did was to promote and air an outright lie using forged documents. And then to stand by them for days and weeks after was simply icing on the cake for the rest of America. I want the left to keep cheating. I want them to roll out (I think there is a pun there) more Michael Moores. It only serves to firm up the support of those on the right looking to make America a better place for everyone.
I'm not arguing that these documents are probably forgeries, only that, unless I've missed something in the last 5 months (admittedly, not a big stretch), I've yet to see the conclusive undisputable proof that they are in fact forgeries, or an admission from anyone that they themselves fabricated them. But this is all irrelevant, as documents released by the white house confirm that GW's ANG records are not un-tarnished. Therefore the content of these alleged forged documents isn't much of a stretch anyway.

Back on-topic, the same media that you are claiming is so anti-BuSh is the same media that roasted Clinton when he was running for, and while he was in office. Considering the elevated levels of corruption going on in the white house, I'd say today's media is turning a blind eye.

Did you know that the FCC's increase in the fines for saying ":q:q:q:q" on the air to $500,000 now puts that verbal faux-pas on the same level as intentionally killing of a patent in a nursing home, or illegal testing of pesticides on human subjects? If Clinton had been behind such a change, there would have been a hanging on the white house lawn!
I don't know about you but I have 4 young boys and my wife really wants them to respect women when they grow up. With all the T n A and swearing on regular TV as it stands now, I don't know if that is going to be possible. We are turning our children into a bunch of perverts. I don't mind racey content being segregated. But it is everywhere now. On every channel. There seems to be a contest to see who can get away with more. I am anything but a prude. I just don't want my kids watching this crap on ABC at 6:30 at night. Even the cartoons are way, way, way out of line with their dialogue.

You can't even rent a movie that is not filled with swearing and suggestive nudity. And most movies don't even need that garbage to make the movie decent to watch. So I have moved farther to the right when it comes to these parental control issues. Sure, I can just turn off the TV. That is the only way to stop it. But why can't the free market recognize this and change it. Why, because it is run by lefties, that's why.

Clinton was given more passes by the media than any President in our history. I still remember him leaving a funeral and laughing and yucking it up as he was walking out. The second he saw the cameras, he went into President mode and put on the 'bass face', acting all sad. The hypocrisy was screaming. What did the media do? They buried the footage. They wouldn't release it to other media, and eventually sold it to the Democrats for them to destroy. Had we been able to buy the footage, Clinton would have never been re-elected. People would have seen him for the phony he was.

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