I've done this fix on my '93. The hardest part was paying $80 for the new tube at the dealer. Next time I'll try another fix. It leaks at the flex joint. I'll fix the next leak with some kinda hose, I'll worry about it then. I needed the car on the road and knew the factory deal would work. I was worried too that this job was gonna be hard and didn't want to do it again, now I know different. You can only feel the tube it is outta sight behind the motor. I got the repair manual on cd after making friends with a dealer mechanic, now the service writers hate to see me coming into the shop. The job got a lot easier after reading how to do it. You have to remove the windshield wiper/cowl assembly and the throttle body to gain access. When this is done the whole world opens up behind the motor. Then drop the 'H' pipe underneath. This assembly is heavy and bulky, not to mention restrictive. This was not a difficult job at all, it just looks bad from the start. While there I cleaned the throttle body, it needed it, and made sure the cats were not clogged. They smell like rotten eggs when the car is run hard and I was afraid they were clogging up.
By the by....... I found this leak when looking for a miss in the motor. I ran the codes, cleaned the sensors, changed the plugs, even though they looked new w/~90,000 miles on them. It turned out to be the wires, figures the most expensive thing. I got factory ones from a buddy at the dealer for $100 best I remember. Hope this helps.