exhaust manifold removal


Well-Known LVC Member
Feb 12, 2011
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Central Fl
Silly question and I expect it to be no but figured it was worth a shot to ask-

Is the driver side manifold easier to remove with the trans removed from the car or is it still a P.I.T.A.? No way in hell I am dropping the whole cradle just to remove/replace the manifold.
can it be done with the k member in the car at all?
not sure about that..
i'd probably be dropping that k member.
Driver's side manifold can be changed fairly easily in the car, if the egr tube comes loose. When I drop engines in from the top, I leave the driver's side exhaust manifold off until I have the eng and trans bolted together. Only one lower bolt is slightly difficult to access. If you remove the motor mount bolt on that side, and jack the engine up, it's easier. Of course I'm also talking about doing this on a lift at work, which makes it much easier. And the egr tube needs to come loose, or the job will be a pain.
Also forgot one other important thing. The steering shaft has to be removed.

Well that just put it over the top! lol
I guess I will grab a BFM and a piece of pipe and go to town with it in the car.
I did mine by removing the steering shaft. The shaft was easy enough. It helped that I don't have huge arms or hands. I believe I needed a swivel in two places and the new gaskets were a little tricky to get placed right. I had help there.

Now listen to me here: It's going to be a little tricky to angle out. DON'T DROP IT ON YOUR HEAD like I did.

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