factory cellphone module


New LVC Member
May 17, 2014
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My 98 Mark VIII's factory cellphone charging cord plugs into this module like black box that I need to replace.It has a part #F7LF-19G201-BB on it,but this part number is invalid.Anyone familiar with this part or have one to sell? I'll try & send picture.
Why do you need to replace it? The factory cell phone can't be used anymore.
I'm selling the car to a fanatic,who wanted everything in working order.She says 911 can still be reached here in Arkansas on this analog phone & the phones cord won't stay plugged in to this module to charge it.I have a home charger that charges the phone,but it won't stay charged like it would when left in the car plugged in to this module.This was my late mothers car,she bought new,has 71K,she kept ALL the brochures,leather samples,retail sales order copy...everything,thats part of what consumed this buyers interest in it.So,anyone have this module I need to complet the sale?
I'm selling the car to a fanatic,who wanted everything in working order.She says 911 can still be reached here in Arkansas on this analog phone & the phones cord won't stay plugged in to this module to charge it.I have a home charger that charges the phone,but it won't stay charged like it would when left in the car plugged in to this module.This was my late mothers car,she bought new,has 71K,she kept ALL the brochures,leather samples,retail sales order copy...everything,thats part of what consumed this buyers interest in it.So,anyone have this module I need to complet the sale?

That's provably wrong. The frequency receivers that these devices operated on were shut down a few years ago. They are not the same thing as 'analog phones'. There is no point in obtaining or fumbling with any part of the factory phone system. It will not work.

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