Fahrenheit 911


Staff member
Mar 2, 2004
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Chicago, IL
I just watched this movie and it can be found for free HERE

Now before you jump all over me - I agree this move is full of theatrics. Personally, I wish it had been done by a show like frontline.


I do have to wonder what the explanations are for the accusations made. I have to assume Moore would be sued if the info was false - so I accept them as true. I will make room that its not the whole story. Anyone care to explain whats inaccurate or incomplete logically?
I've seen the movie, and read over a dozen books that go into further detail on a lot of the charges made in the movie. I tend to believe the charges made. I think the outrage this movie has caused the far right is more due the fact that someone actually had the nerve to present this info to the public than it is about inaccuracies in the movie.
I haven't seen it but I would suggest watching "Fahrenhype 911". I don't know if it will answer everything to everyones satisfaction, but I have yet to find anything that does that.
97silverlsc said:
I've seen the movie, and read over a dozen books that go into further detail on a lot of the charges made in the movie. I tend to believe the charges made. I think the outrage this movie has caused the far right is more due the fact that someone actually had the nerve to present this info to the public than it is about inaccuracies in the movie.

I've read that too Phil. Seems to be a safe bet that the furor is more about the info being made public than whether it's true or not.
My favorite clip from F-911 is When good old gw is at a dinner as he addresses them as the "Haves and the Have Mores" then calls them his Base!

Hmmmm...where do I fit into his base?

I'm part of the Get some Pay more, then let the economy take it way. Gas prices have sure help me put more into the bank. This winter the heating bill will make sure that I have more to add to the economy.

I know I will be invited to his base next time they gather for dinner. :bash:
97silverlsc said:
I think the outrage this movie has caused the far right is more due the fact that someone actually had the nerve to present this info to the public than it is about inaccuracies in the movie.

:iconcur: 110%!! I've been saying this for weeks.

I've read the "59 Deceits" list that is the summary of the "FahrenHype 911" movie written by the same author and have come to the same conclusion: They only found 59 "flaws" in Fahrenheit 911?? MOST of those are nits about insignificant / irrelevant things. What is left over is still extrodinarily compelling.

BTW, while I didn't agree w/ everything put forth by Michael Moore in "Bowling for Columbine", did anyone else sense that this movie had forshadowed the events following 9/11, especially considering the time in history when that movie was produced / released? Especially the part about using scare tactics to keep Americans behind the President? It's almost scary!
A new poll came out that interviewed people that saw the movie. After viewing, 24% were more likely to vote for Bush, only 6% more likely to vote for Kerry. The rest didn't care. So out of the 800,000 or so people to view the movie, Bush picked up about 200,000 votes. Thanks Michael.
MonsterMark said:
A new poll came out that interviewed people that saw the movie. After viewing, 24% were more likely to vote for Bush, only 6% more likely to vote for Kerry. The rest didn't care. So out of the 800,000 or so people to view the movie, Bush picked up about 200,000 votes. Thanks Michael.

What poll? They poll a Bush family picnic? :biggrin:
I doubt it was at a family picnic. I saw an article (trying to find it, will post if I do) that stated that cousins and other relatives have a site where they state that they don't support Shrub and his policies.
Still time to watch this. Polls don't open 'til tomorrow morning.
MonsterMark said:
A new poll came out that interviewed people that saw the movie. After viewing, 24% were more likely to vote for Bush, only 6% more likely to vote for Kerry. The rest didn't care. So out of the 800,000 or so people to view the movie, Bush picked up about 200,000 votes. Thanks Michael.
Statistic are useless without providing reference to where they are from.
watched it friday, as it was on IFC... my friends and I laughed alot for the most part.

Entertaining... yeah, I guess. Educational or did I take it seriously? hell no...

we were actually using it for a drinking game :p
Well leftie hero worshipers of Michael Moore. Here is your man exposed for who he is. After the election was lost he deleted his home page and changed it to this. What excuse is there for a guy willing to defile our military soldiers who lost their lives fighting for our country by using their photos in this way. What a sick bastard this guy is. I hope you guys denounce him for the POS he is.

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