In the state of Texas, there are many proposals coming up regarding the amendment procedure of the Constitution. These are the proposal that are being made in order to check out some kinds of modifications related to the state constitution; especially those who are in real need of change. The most controversial proposal is of making provision for the clearing of land titles by relinquishing and releasing any state claim to sovereign ownership or title to interest in certain lands in Upshur County and Smith County. This is the proposal that stands for the amendment act of Article VII, Texas Constitution. This proposal has got an addition of amending proposal of Section 2C to relinquish and release any claim of the state of sovereign ownership. The proposal has been accepted state wide; however it is not free from controversies. People who are opposing this proposal are of the view that by accepting the proposal and by the means of making the amendment there will be a great problem regarding the land disputes. Instead of solving them they will get more tugged. One of the landowners, David Disiere, said that the matter is highly scrutinized and as such there came up some of the realizations. The idea that came up is that simply releasing the state’s interest without obtaining fair market value under the proposed amendment would provide a special benefit to a small group of landowners, and will result in chaos for all those who are in the bigger network. As the defective title has been resolved regarding the Upshur County tract there seems to have a solution to it. The title companies are continuing to place exceptions in title opinions is a private matter between those landowners and their title companies and thus should nor be intervened.
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