Fake Tea Party Trying to Become official Third


Dedicated LVC Member
Aug 30, 2005
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BREAKING: Fake Tea Party Run by Democrats in Michigan Trying to Become official Third Party!

This isn't even AstroTurf. It is outright political fraud. Fearful of the tea party movement in Michigan (which Democrats and Republicans alike should be), the Democrats and/or their special interest groups have begun the process of officially hijacking the movement. Like in Nevada, they will likely launch their own 'tea party' candidate that is anything but. Unfortunately for the Democrats, 1) the tea party is more informed than they give us credit for; and 2) this news is breaking at the very conception of this slimy political move. The news was broken last night by Chetley Zarko on his website Outside Lansing: Zarko Research Exclusive: Dem Dirty Trick on Fake Tea Party Petition Revealed
Zarko Research has learned that a nefarious unknown group calling itself "The Tea Party" at PO Box 23 in Richville, MI 48757 (near Flint) is circulating a petition on a paid basis, at roughly $1 per signature to the circulator. The group is so new that the Secretary of State has nothing on file as of this moment.

The petition was mailed to known paid circulators in the metro Detroit area earlier this week and based on conclusions of proprietary knowledge to Zarko Research, the petition is being operated by a liberal-leaning petition management firm with ties to the Democratic Party. The petition claims to seek access to the ballot for an entirely new party - the "Tea Party", although when Zarko Research interviewed known organizers of the Tea Party they all knew nothing about it. ...​
Noone in any tea party movement is sponsoring this effort. There is a lot of money beinng thrown into this as well. Chetley wrote a follow-up post with more specific information: Zarko Exclusive Follow-up: "Progressive" Campaigns Inc (PCI) Hired for Fake Tea Party Petition
Zarko Research has now verified through technical means that Progressive Campaigns Inc. (PCI) has been hired to collect signatures to put on the ballot a "Tea Party" party.

Progressive ... has been funded by Soros, the Michigan Democratic Party, and is most recently known for the crude attempt to re-game the Michigan Constitution for the Democratic Party in 2008 through the Reform Michigan Government Now petition, which also operated initially for its first several weeks as a "stealth petition" (a petition that does not go through the Board of Canvasser approval process before circulation, but rolls the dice and operates quietly as long as possible). It took two months before the Michigan Democratic Party and Mark Brewer's fingers were proven to be behind Progressive's RMGN effort, but eventually the truth came out on that. While it can't be proven where Progressive is taking its marching orders from this year - the company's history shouldn't leave any doubt in what direction its comes from. Their own client list contains a laundry list of SEIU, Humane Society of the US, George Soros, John Sperling, T. Boone Pickens, John Freeman, the UAW, and the Michigan Democratic Party itself. ...​
Kudos to Chetley for breaking this important news.

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