
I would suggest going OEM.

The aftermarket fans aren't really much cheaper. Especially if they don't hold up.

Think about how many years the factory fan has been working.

Is it worth a $40 difference to have to replace it again in a couple/few years?

Try Tasca Parts or Ford Parts Giant. They are typically cheaper than ordering from a dealer... and you will be getting OEM quality.
A Murray brand fan from O'Reilly's is $330. Advance, Napa, and Autozone all pretty much have the same products... under a different brand name.

Ford Parts Giant has the OEM fan for $371.

Call FPG and give them your VIN number... to verify part number, fitment, and verify that the fan is in stock.

You MAY be able to order it from your local dealer for the same price... if you ask nicely, (or beg for a discount).
One more question for yall will the auxiliary pump cause me to run hot i put a hot wirr to it to see if ita working and it doesnt come on
One more question for yall will the auxiliary pump cause me to run hot i put a hot wirr to it to see if ita work and it doesn't come on

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