Farewell for now


Dedicated LVC Member
Jun 1, 2013
Reaction score
Hey guys,

Unfortunately the time has come and I will be selling my LS. Priorities have drastically changed. My wife is now a stay at home mom. And I'm still working 65hrs/week and only bring home $500-$550 weekly. My wife is 5 months pregnant and I'm about to have three young ones at the house to provide for now.

Anyhow, I have a buyer coming to pick the car up for $4500. It will be sad to see it go, because it really is the only thing I have left that I actually call my own. As pathetic as that may sound. My wife's fusion is also being picked up come this Monday. I could really care less seeing that poopbox leave.

I'll still hang around the forums for sure. I do plan to pick up a nice '06 in the future but who knows. With the knowledge I have acquired over time, I think it'll be quite easy to get another LS for cheap that needs some work. I know what things to look for and how to address them.

Thanks to an awesome community that actually allowed me to enjoy my LS.
Good luck, and congrats on the new kiddo. If funding is tight and will be for the forseeable future, I strongly recommend getting snipped. Got the procedure done when my second was born and it's one of the best decisions I've ever made. Contrary to popular BS, it actually increases your drive because there's no longer that little fear in the back of your head that another mouth to feed might be on the way.
LOL, Telco shooting blanks, now this explains everything!
Yep, and it's great too. I highly recommend it to anyone who has all the kids they want. It's why I've been an empty nester since I was about 40, aside from a few years I let the kids move back in for one reason or another.
haha buddy of mine had that done... and it grew back!
wife found out she was preg and he was like uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what the...
went to the doc and they said it 'regenerated' or whatever.
now he has two kids haha
Lmao!! Well honestly I have intentions of having a big family and I would love 10 kids. Sounds crazy I know. However, the main reason for selling my LS is simply rhat I still owe on it and I pay $400/month for insurance+payment. It's a sickening thought to pay that much each month to watch it sit for 7 months outside covered in Michigan snow.

That and I'm now our only income. I will eventually replace it, but not until I've upgraded to a two stall garage where it can be properly sheltered.

In the meantime, I do have a '98 Subaru Forester with a 3" straight piped exhaust and a 5 speed trans to make me feel like I'm in the WRC for this coming winter. So my euphoric vehicular excitement is still pumping and highly anticipating the first snow flake lol.

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