"Fear the Boom and Bust" a Hayek vs. Keynes Rap Anthem

GREAT. BUT TO MOST AVERAGE PEOPLE THIS SOUNDS LIKE "GREEK". Guys like these would get better understanding if they commucated like a Lee Iaccoca or a Bill Clinton.
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GREAT. BUT TO MOST AVERAGE PEOPLE THIS SOUNDS LIKE "GREEK". Guys like these would get better understanding if they commucated like a Lee Iaccoca or a Bill Clinton.

That was (and is) the place of other people. Political movements are made up of intellectuals, activists and politicians. While there can be (and more often then not, is) a tremendous amount of overlap between the three, it is not always the case.

These two figures were arguably the two primary intellectuals behind the different approaches to economics that have dominated the country in this past century; Keynesian economics and "Supply-Side" economics. People like FDR or Reagan were effectively tasked with taking the more complex ideas these two developed and presenting them in such a way that everyone could understand.

Here is some more info on the video, if you are interested...

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