Feinstein is attempting a gun grab


Dedicated LVC Member
Jun 2, 2012
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2003 Lincoln LS V8
The anti gunners have been very active--- and it is not being reported by the media!
Read this ------

Government and Politics
Second Amendment: Gun Grabbers Forge Ahead
Sen. Dianne Feinstein, using the caskets of the children murdered in Newtown as her platform, released the details of her new "assault weapons" ban, and it's much worse than the 1994 version. Among the details: It bans the sale, transfer, importation or manufacture of 120 specifically named semi-automatic rifles (including the M1 Carbine), as well as some semi-automatic handguns. Contrary to media myth, of course, these are not "assault weapons." Rifles with any one of a list of undesirable features would be banned. To help determine these restrictions, Feinstein said she looked at pictures of guns in 1993 and again in 2012.

The ban would extend to magazines exceeding a capacity of 10 rounds (which is lower than standard capacity for most rifles and handguns), and it would include guns with fixed magazines that can accept more than 10 rounds. Meanwhile, in the House, Democrats Diana DeGette (CO) and Carolyn McCarthy (NY) introduced the High Capacity Ammunition Feeding Device Act. This is a different bill from Feinstein's in that it will target only magazine capacity instead of the firearms themselves, apparently in the hope that if an outright assault weapons ban doesn't pass, one regulating magazines might.

Furthermore, Feinstein's bill requires registration of the semi-automatic rifles you already own with the ATF. Previously, the National Firearms Act (NFA) required this only for machine guns. ATF registration will require that you provide the gun's serial number and photographs of it; that you pass another background check and supply fingerprints; and that you obtain certification from local law enforcement of your identity and that your possession wouldn't violate state or local law. Registration also includes a $200 fee per gun. Again, this is all for weapons you already own. Then, most outrageously, when you die, your "assault weapons" are forfeited to the government -- they may not be passed down to your heirs.

Never mind that year after year murders committed with hammers and clubs far outnumber the murders committed with a rifle of any type, or that twice as many people are killed by hands and fists as rifles.

Feinstein's play here is likely to ask for more than she knows she'll get, but her real goal is also an outright gun ban. In 1995, she explained, "If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright [gun] ban, picking up every one of them -- Mr. and Mrs. America, turn 'em all in -- I would have done it." Now that she's renewed her efforts, it's certainly no wonder that December gun sales broke records.

We encourage you to contact your senators and representatives to express your opposition to this unconstitutional gun grab. One Marine did so, and his letter is worth reading. What happened in Newtown wasn't a "gun problem," and it won't be solved by taking away the Liberty of law-abiding citizens.

Around the Nation: States Aim for Guns, Too
Dianne Feinstein and her fellow NeoComs in Congress aren't the only ones seeking to confiscate citizens' guns. Illinois state legislators are crafting a gun ban that would make Feinstein drool. The Illinois bill would ban all semi-automatic rifles, pistols and shotguns, as well as pump-action shotguns -- no exemptions and no grandfathering, meaning gun owners must turn their firearms in to police to avoid prosecution. Magazines holding more than 10 rounds must be registered with police. If it weren't so serious, this bill would be laughable, especially in light of the 2010 Supreme Court ruling striking down Chicago's handgun ban.

Likewise, New York's legislature is working on a bill to expand its own "assault" weapons ban. All semi-automatic rifles must be surrendered to police, as must all magazines with a capacity of more than 10 rounds. It upgrades the offense for possession to a felony.

Some years ago, a governor made a proclamation saying, "I have thought fit to issue this Proclamation to require all Persons who have yet Fire-Arms in their Possession, immediately to surrender them at the Court-House, to such Persons as shall be authorized to receive them; and hereby to declare that all Persons in whose Possession any Fire-Arms may hereafter be found, will be deemed Enemies to his Majesty's Government."

That governor was the British governor of colonial Massachusetts. As we recall, that effort in 1775 to confiscate weapons didn't turn out too well -- for the British.

Folks, this is serious. If the Second Amendment is defeated, the Constitution will fall.
I emailed all my representatives to let them know that I don't support this at all. Please, everyone else needs to write theirs.

http://www.house.gov/ You'll need your zip code with the plus 4 numbers to get your rep.

No use writing Obama, he's in full support of eliminating the Second Amendment. If they can kill it before 2016 we're done with elections. Instead we'll have Dear Leaders.

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