As far as dealing with insurance companies, you always have the choice as to where the car is sent to be repaired. Dont ever settle for a shop they recommend, thats never designed to be in your best interest. I would highly, highly recommend ONLY taking a car to the correct manufacturer to have it serviced after an accident. Also as much as is seems like a rip off most of the time to take your car to a dealer for regular service, if you have a decent service history with a dealership it makes a huge difference. The insurance companies get told "It wasnt like that before" probably thousands of times a day. If you dont have some form of solid proof that it was in correct working condition before an accident your screwed. The techinical/legal term they use is: Returning the car to its original pre-accident condition. That will always only involve the obvious cosmetic damage...hood,bumper,lights,paint etc. It is not standard practice to do a diagnostic check prior to repair so dont ever count on that. If its serious enough damage i would be there when its towed to the dealer, unloaded at the dealer, inspected, broken down and everything. Its a total pain but it'll get you alot better results and service. Thats where a dealer makes a huge difference in getting the car back to good condition versus Smitty's AutoBody who just throws some bondo around and repaints it. You'll have a few months before the accident hits Carfax so make sure it gets done right and dump it, otherwise it'll be alot more difficult down the line.