filling the coolant with the crossover tube


Well-Known LVC Member
Mar 3, 2005
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This goes along with my other question. I know that after you fill up the reservoir, you open up the crossover tube and fill from there.. however my question is how do you get all the air out of the system? normally I cover back up the reseviour and fill the tube till the coolant starts to come back out. I try to get all the bubbles out but they don't stop comming up, is that normal? should I just keep it open for like 15-20 minutes even tho the coolant is overflowing? I never really got how to bleed the system. thanks
Follow the instructions on the underhood label. Make sure the heater is on max and blows warm. Afterwards, leave sit overnight and top off @ coolant reservoir the next morning.
the best thing ive seen is called an "air lift" we use them here all of the time with no prob, totally air free filling. A adapter with a gauge fits int the res. bottle and you hook an air line up to it and it blows air across an opening causing a vacuum in the entire cooling sys sucking all hoses flat then you hook up the other lead and suck coolant from like a 5 gallon bucket, jug etc. there usually around $100 but thats better than a big air bubble the only place i know of to get them is off the tool trucks that go to shops if you see one just ask the guy and he will prob. have one on the truck
After you follow the directions, let it idle for about ten minutes. Close the system. Take it for a drive. Park the car, let it cool down. Then repeat this cycle about three more times.

Since resigning myself to this time consuming process, I've had no more temperature problems.

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