final question about turn signal


Dedicated LVC Member
Jan 29, 2006
Reaction score
finally picked up my other head light so now I can clear them out.

so once you microwave for ? seconds (how many) you take the light apart and pop out the amber lense.

then what do you do? I am sure you put it back together but then what should you use to keep the light together (brand)?

also where should yuo place it? Do you microwave again?
NOT the microwave... the oven!!!!

Download this and read it a few times... the first few steps tell you how to disassemble the headlight and remove the amber directional lens. The last portion tells you how to reassemble everything. You may want to buy some grey RTV silicone and add a small bead around the housing before your re-bake the assembly to put everything back together.
mholhut said:
NOT the microwave... the oven!!!!

Download this and read it a few times... the first few steps tell you how to disassemble the headlight and remove the amber directional lens. The last portion tells you how to reassemble everything. You may want to buy some grey RTV silicone and add a small bead around the housing before your re-bake the assembly to put everything back together.

thanks I almost screwd myself :)

I will keep you all posted
lloydrage said:
thanks I almost screwd myself :)

I will keep you all posted

is there no proffesional way to do this?

I only ask because putting headlight in an oven seems a bit odd to me.:cool:
I've been known to put some strange things in an oven! Tranny gears on the oven and the mainshaft in the freezer so I could get them on without a press. (works too!) Put a set of freshly painted headers in my buddy's pizza oven at his restaurant once. Put them in as he shut if off for the night and let them sit in it all night as it cooled down. Best lasting paint job I ever had on a set of headers! I'll bet the health department would have had a fit though....
thats what I am thinking (then I will get the eyebrows from you)

if you got any pointers I am all ears

I will be trying this next saturday so I still have a week to read up.

Then I am going to tint the sidemarkers
kudisbetta said:
is there no proffesional way to do this?

I only ask because putting headlight in an oven seems a bit odd to me.:cool:

Sure, send them to me, I'll put them in my oven like I did when I installed my CCFL halos... and my two buddys sets of headlights, and I'll charge you $150? Sound professional enough :D

Someone said they've done it with a hairdryer :confused: but I imagine a heat gun would work too.
lloydrage said:
thats what I am thinking (then I will get the eyebrows from you)

if you got any pointers I am all ears

I will be trying this next saturday so I still have a week to read up.

Then I am going to tint the sidemarkers

I told ya what I thought. I have yet to see anyone with tinted sidemarkers and turn signals. I think it would look good on a black LS.
I'm sure someone will post pics now that I said that...
01lssport said:
I told ya what I thought. I have yet to see anyone with tinted sidemarkers and turn signals. I think it would look good on a black LS.
I'm sure someone will post pics now that I said that...

I think its a great idea I just dont know if I can do the tint right. I guess I will look into the tint and clear coat but I dont know which kinds I should try
01lssport said:
I would be more than happy to help you out with this project if you like.


I have the clear coat and tint coming in so I should have everything by saturday.

How long does it take for everything to dry?

I am thinking if I go to kingsville I could still drive back but I didnt know for sure

thanks for the help
Well I wouldn't want to rush it. I would say if you want to install the CCFL's angeleyes to just do everything at once. A weekend would be good, just means you won't be driving around at night on Friday and Saturday.
I am thinking friday to take them apart then on saturday we can tint them and coat them, thoughts?

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