FINALLY! Al Gore and real scientists debate Global Warming


Dedicated LVC Member
Apr 24, 2005
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Since Al Gore always ducks the debate (presumably because it is over, right?), REAL climatologists have debated footage from his shlockumentary, An Inconvenient Lie.


This is a must see especially for you GW believers. The arguments are unassailable. It WILL change your mind.

More debates to follow.
And what's really disturbing about all this CO2 global warming crap is that our government, including President Bush, has fallen for it hook, line and sinker. So, us taxpayers are poised to pay billions to perhaps trillions of dollars for something that neither we nor any government can control--global warming. This whole global warming theory is ridiculous on its face considering even its advocates admit that humans produce only a mere 4% of total worldwide CO2. :rolleyes:

For all those that argue CO2 global warming is real, ask yourself why aren't global warming advocates interested in an honest and open public debate about this issue? At least the BBC worked to produce an excellent program about the issue, but that's about it so far. Considering what's at stake, it would seem obvious that the media should be working to organize open scientific debate. Also, GW should be a major issue in the presidential election. I want to know where the candidates stand so I can determine which are the global warming coolaid drinkers and which are independent thinkers.
Boy, with Fossten here - I'm almost afraid to post an opinion (not really;))
Cow gas is a fairly significant contributor to CO2. I'm not prepared to stop eating meat but, we are responsible for the numbers of cattle farting on the range. I almost hate to agree with you but ... it's true; We in the west cannot really have any impact. We can't control what Asians do and they are, now, major polluters. It's also likely true that there is little we can do to reverse the effects.

I recently read an article that points to florescents not being as economical, particularly up north, as being touted. Incandescents give of heat which actually helps to heat a house in winter. That particular article suggested that it was relatively inexpensive energy for the amount of heat it gave off.

Personally I'm inclined to think climate change is a result, at least in part, of normal climate shift. I do believe we are having an impact - it's just not as significant as so many would like us to believe.

I'm with yah on this but probably not for all the same reasons (some - maybe).

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