Finally....Got a good job!!


Dedicated LVC Member
Feb 27, 2005
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Wichita Kansas Tornado Alley U.S.A.
Hey, just wanted to say I got me a job, Finally!!!! I start monday at Optima Bus. They make mass transit busses. They just got a huge order from the Chicago transit authority, and a couple of other cities. I am a mechanic and I will be making $21.00 an hour. I will be installing all the mechanical parts of the bus. I am very happy. :)
congrats man, i start my job tomorrow. just had to pass a pee pee test first. ill be a forklift mechanic. its gonna be great, own truck, phone, and yes even a gas card. i only started off at 16.oo per hr, raise in three months though. hope it works out for us.
I had to turn down a job that was offered to me after they told me I would have to take a pee test. Oh well, it turned out all good. Plus, I still got to smoke.
MonsterMark said:
Thank God I don't have to do a pee pee test. I'd have to fire myself.:hump:

you just gota study for it....

back in the day, I had to clean up just so I could be hurt at work . that was back in 2000 . I've been disabled/rertired and loving it.

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