finally got a real car!


New LVC Member
May 21, 2012
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well going on my third car in my high school. and finally got myself a 1994 Lincoln Mark VIII with 48k miles on it. still trying to learn all the things about it. and cant wait til i get the money to make this car my own. so i far i literally fell in love with this car when i took it out on a test drive, and the next day i bought it. and still love it. its the only car that when i park it i turn around to just admire it. i cant wait to start to upgrade it. (the right way). hope to learn a few new things about here. and hopefully meet some great new people!
:W to :V

always remember to search. your question has probably been answered already.
:W to :V

always remember to search. your question has probably been answered already.

forget searching here, this search function sucks..just google your question and add "mark viii" to it..most likely it will bring you back to this site right where you need to be rather than scrolling through hundreds of threads..

BTW welcome!! post some pics of your car (make an account on photobucket, upload pics there and copy and paste the "IMG" url into your text box here)..sorry if you already know how to do this, some people have a hard time figuring this

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