New LVC Member
hello I just replaced all plugs in my 1999 man because I was getting a code #1 misfiring then I reset the computer and started receiving the same code so now I just replaced the #1 coil pack (so I think I did) I reset the computer again and the light so far has not returned. HOWEVER :Bang I am getting the sort of jerky feeling sometimes while driving and the on and off almost stalling like feeling when idling. Also, sometimes it has a rough shakey idle. :Bang :Bang What is it now, did I replace the wrong coil slot? Can someone please tell me where I can find the diagram for the 99 lincoln nav spark plugs and coils. In other words where is what plug and coil so I can see if I replaced the right one. If I did what else could this shakey bad idle on and off be??? PLEASE HELP!!!!! Thank you so much. I have found that being a woman sometimes hinders you when trying to get answers from a dealer. They always want to bend you over and charge you up the .....................