Flying saucers ARE real (not a photoshop)


Dedicated LVC Member
Dec 21, 2004
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Enticed by something i saw on the history channel, I did some research on flying saucers from earth. You may discount this as a conspericy or coverup theory, but I do believe that the United States government currently owns and activly tests Flying saucers capable of almost any flight characteristics immaginable. Above are two links i found about US flying saucers. The first one has info and pictures of the first AMERICAN flying saucer, that actually flew, that was inspired by captured NAZI models of flying saucers(which is the third link). It was abandoned because of the lack of flight control technology available in the mid 50's. The second link is of the Flying saucer that a man named Jack Pickett elegedly saw in person at a USAFB. Jack was interviewed about his findings on the history channel. What he has to say is quite convincing. This aircraft was elegedly a true "space ship," acheaving actual space flight at speeds in excess of 16,000mph! Who knows if its true or not, but our government loves to cover stuff up. Especially when its something as advanced as this. Perhaps in some of our lifetimes we will see this awe-inspireing spacecraft.
I don't have the time nor inclination to school you on these silly craft, but I do have a question for you...

16Kmph space travel? Wow, that is such a fast speed, especially when compared to the ancient Space shuttle esign that orbits at around 17.5Kmph?:rolleyes: Where is the technology?
Frogman said:
I don't have the time nor inclination to school you on these silly craft, but I do have a question for you...

16Kmph space travel? Wow, that is such a fast speed, especially when compared to the ancient Space shuttle esign that orbits at around 17.5Kmph?:rolleyes: Where is the technology?

Im just sayin...its a possability. Dont have to be so closed minded. You think this government is actually open and honest with their secrets, no. (they said that it was 16KMph in sub orbit(within earth's atmosphere, they didnt say the speed outside of earth's atmosphere)
you're quite the idiot my friend lol. the only thing flyin around at high speeds at night is me in my lincoln on the way to work. haha :cool:
hotrodlincoln93 said:
you're quite the idiot my friend lol. the only thing flyin around at high speeds at night is me in my lincoln on the way to work. haha :cool:

OMG, you are right...Its an CFO Chad flying object.

hotrodlincoln93 said:
you're quite the idiot my friend lol.

MrWilson said:
OMG, you are right...Its an CFO Chad flying object.

Mr. Wilson admits that he is an idiot. You got it right here, straight from the horses azz(sorry mouth). LOL(No Mr. Wilson, I am not picking on you, I am laughing at you, not with you)
bufordtpisser said:
hotrodlincoln93 said:
you're quite the idiot my friend lol.

Mr. Wilson admits that he is an idiot. You got it right here, straight from the horses azz(sorry mouth). LOL(No Mr. Wilson, I am not picking on you, I am laughing at you, not with you)

leave it to a lib to take something out of context
Do we have to bring politics and all of that bull S$#! in to this? I have my own opinions about this subject but feel it would be best to keep my fingers off the keyboard. My mom always said, "if you don't have anything nice to say"...... you know the rest.

If man can build a flying saucer, why can't he build a well-designed and visually pleasing website to feature them on?????
Could you send me...

...some of your seeds? I'm a hydroponic grower and build my own bongs...:p
It's amazing to see what experts we all are on a subject that we know so little about. It's one thing to have an opinion, but one should also keep an open mind. Think of all the "facts" that have been proven false by history.

UFO's are derided by many for many reasons, but that does not exlpain away many things recorded by many reliable observers over many years. We aren't even aware of everything in our oceans, how can we be so sure of what travels through our skies?

The government cannot admit the reality of UFO's because of the troubles it would cause, nor would they admit to using "alien" technology and loose any advantage it gives to those craving power. This is not to say that because they deny it, it is true.
im not talkin bout ailens or ufo's, im talkin about genuine flying saucers. made by americans, for americans.

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