Enticed by something i saw on the history channel, I did some research on flying saucers from earth. You may discount this as a conspericy or coverup theory, but I do believe that the United States government currently owns and activly tests Flying saucers capable of almost any flight characteristics immaginable. Above are two links i found about US flying saucers. The first one has info and pictures of the first AMERICAN flying saucer, that actually flew, that was inspired by captured NAZI models of flying saucers(which is the third link). It was abandoned because of the lack of flight control technology available in the mid 50's. The second link is of the Flying saucer that a man named Jack Pickett elegedly saw in person at a USAFB. Jack was interviewed about his findings on the history channel. What he has to say is quite convincing. This aircraft was elegedly a true "space ship," acheaving actual space flight at speeds in excess of 16,000mph! Who knows if its true or not, but our government loves to cover stuff up. Especially when its something as advanced as this. Perhaps in some of our lifetimes we will see this awe-inspireing spacecraft.
Enticed by something i saw on the history channel, I did some research on flying saucers from earth. You may discount this as a conspericy or coverup theory, but I do believe that the United States government currently owns and activly tests Flying saucers capable of almost any flight characteristics immaginable. Above are two links i found about US flying saucers. The first one has info and pictures of the first AMERICAN flying saucer, that actually flew, that was inspired by captured NAZI models of flying saucers(which is the third link). It was abandoned because of the lack of flight control technology available in the mid 50's. The second link is of the Flying saucer that a man named Jack Pickett elegedly saw in person at a USAFB. Jack was interviewed about his findings on the history channel. What he has to say is quite convincing. This aircraft was elegedly a true "space ship," acheaving actual space flight at speeds in excess of 16,000mph! Who knows if its true or not, but our government loves to cover stuff up. Especially when its something as advanced as this. Perhaps in some of our lifetimes we will see this awe-inspireing spacecraft.