FML fixed my fan replaced DCCV one side does not work


Well-Known LVC Member
Sep 7, 2012
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So I just replaced the hydraulic actuator earlier this week, and replaced my DCCV TODAY, just to find out one side does not work, the heater core hose on the left is burning hot the one on the right is ice cold, what has me stumped is if I give it gas I can get hot heat from both vents. When I put it on A/C one side blows cold the other side blows hot. I want to rip that thing out and throw it up the street. With the hell I went through getting it out and in.
Did you make sure you reconnected the hoses correctly? Iirc, wrong hoses in the wrong port can cause weird stuff. Especially after a hard task its easy to swap things around in the wrong way.
Yes the hoses are in the correct order, I applied voltage to the cable I hear one side click but when I ground the other it do not make a audible noise.
Yes the hoses are in the correct order, I applied voltage to the cable I hear one side click but when I ground the other it do not make a audible noise.

Sounds like you may have a bad (out of the box) DCCV.
... what has me stumped is if I give it gas I can get hot heat from both vents. When I put it on A/C one side blows cold the other side blows hot.

Heat at higher RPM's only is Auxiliary coolant pump related. Re&Re

Deficiencies at vents during A/C demand is DCCV related. Passenger side warm, drivers cold (IIRC) Re&Re.

Double check fuse #1 underhood, should read "A/C Clutch" on it. Double check connector connections, ensure clicking sounds.

~ Always use new OEM parts, other brands are knock-offs and can not always be guaranteed to perform/last as design intended.
Ok so I took her out this morning and it's working as it should the temp changes with the buttons. I'll be honest at about 2 in the moring I took the jack handle and wacked both barrels on the DCCV so I'll bet it loosened something up. And now I noticed I have the hoses crossed. Lol. Thank god I'm the captain of this ship. And only run it on 75. From the driver control.

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