Fog Light Fuse! Help


Well-Known LVC Member
Aug 24, 2005
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South Gate
ok i bought the LSE body kit from CDC about 4 months ago the fog lights that came with the kit where installed.... about 1 1/2 months later they didnt work anymore.. recently i checked the fuses and they where out. its a 15 mini fuse.. i replaced it like 4 times and it keeps burning it . do u guys think i could change it to 30? i cant remember what wattage the fog lamps are and if they needed a bigger fuse? KEN DO U KNOW? i belive it wont hamper any other equipment since its for the FOG lamps only?
If that's the fuse that came with the kit, I'd be looking for the problem that's killing the fuse. If it's not the kit's fuse, check with CDC to find out what it's supposed to be; it's better to replace a fuse four times than to replace a wiring harness once...
no thats the fuse that came with the car originally. but that is for the original fog lights... these are after market so i dont know if they pull more current?
joshluvsla said:
no thats the fuse that came with the car originally. but that is for the original fog lights... these are after market so i dont know if they pull more current?
It's apparent that they are, or the fuse wouldn't blow; the question is are they supposed to draw more current, or is there a short you need to be finding? Since CDC sold you the kit, they should know--but that's a crucial piece of info that should be in the documentation that came with the fogs. You really don't want to just go and put a 20A fuse in there: what if the fog lights' wiring harness can only carry 19A? Aside from it being a pain to replace the harness, it's also a fire hazard...

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