fogged headlights


Dedicated LVC Member
Feb 21, 2005
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Los Angeles
im going to drill a narrow hole in one of my headlight casings to let out the moisture that is collecting there, my question is has anyone done this before and what drill bit size did you use, where did you make the hole, etc?
if its grey you can take it apart then reseal it. While you do this you can clear your corners or leave them. this is a lot better then drilling a hole. can you take a pic and post it so we can help you find out if you can take it a part?
well there's an actual procedure for what LLOYDRAGE is reffering it to..if u search u'll prob find it or someone will give u the instructions. however if u don't want to stick ur headlights into an oven or have the black glue?(almost black) here is my idea:
take them out, stick a blow dryer into one of the holes for the bulbs until u get the moisture out then add glue to all the seals for this not to happen again.
i'll take photos and search the forum for the instructions tomorrow, but if any of you LS veterans have a link handy it would be most appreciated. for now - sleep!
we will definetly help you out (everyone helped me when I learned). But first you will need to post pics.

here ya go.




pop the hood and its behind that black sealant. there are 3 tabs on top of the light.
look at this picture

if you look at the center there is a little grey. you want to make sure you have three tabs like that
Fogging is a big indicator that you have grey sealant but by the pics it also looks grey. Make sure the other side is grey also, some people had them replaced under warranty so the other side might have been replaced. Search headlight and you should be able to find what you need to get them apart.
Those are a perfect candidate for the Predator Angel Eye installation. :D
you can clear them out buddy. :) There is a link to instructions but I dont have the link. does some one have it?
To clear those lenses and reseal you don't even have to break them open....heat them to 300 degrees in an oven for 6 hours or more, let them cool in a dry environment (leaving them in the oven to cool is the best bet.

Then wipe the bead ridge with alcohol or laquer thinner (don't get any on the lens part) and put a nice cover bead of clear aquarium silicone over the existing bead and ridge. Finally lubricate the lamp insert gaskets with WD40 (it repels water).
sounds like a rainy day project. the only part of that document that applies to me is the first part right? i dont plan to switch them out with angel/demon eyes right now i just want to get the damn moisture out :p

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